The information contained in the attached file “UMG Orthopedic FY19 Income Statement”, but updated if the attached file data was preliminary, as well as the same data for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019- June 30, 2020).
FOI #20-260 (08-7-20, 4:27 pm) - Subject - Football
Name - Greg Bensinger
Affiliation - New York Times
I am seeking communications, planning documents, meeting minutes and phone logs related to the school's decision to cancel the 2020-21 football season. Responsive documents may include communications with scheduled opponent schools, state and local health officials, boosters, alumni and active football players. Please include pertinent emails directed to or originating from,,, and
FOI #20-259 (08-6-20, 3:34 pm) - Subject - UConn Football Cancellation
Name - Matt Brown
Affiliation - Extra Points / The Intercollegiate
All emails AND text messages between UConn head football coach Randy Edsall, UConn AD David Benedict and/or UConn president Thomas C. Katsouleas from July 28-August 6th regarding COVID-19, UConn football, UConn athletics, scheduling or cancellation
Any emails sent from email address to any of the three individuals during that time period re: COVID-19, UConn football, UConn athletics, scheduling or cancellation
FOI #20-258 - Subject - Avery Point Academic Building
Name - Alexander Lovejoy
Affiliation -
This office represents the Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers Local No. 40 Employee Benefit Funds (“Funds”). I write you with regard to Young Developers, LLC (“Young Developers”) and SMS Industries, LLC (“SMS”), signatory contractors who are delinquent to the Funds for construction work performed on the Avery Point Academic Building.
1. Certified payroll records for all work performed by either Young Developers or SMS on the Avery Point Academic Building Project from the start of each respective Company’s work on this project to the present.
2. Any and all payment and performance bonds for Young Developers or SMS for work performed on the Avery Point Academic Building Project, including any bonds contained in subcontracts between any General Contractor, Construction Manager, or Subcontractor who may have subcontracted work to Young Developers or SMS.
If there is a cost for these documents, please advise me of such. Due to the ongoing failure
FOI #20-256 (07-27-20, 1:15 pm) - Subject - Email Records
Name - Jonathan Pruitt
Affiliation - McMaster University
I request a copy of email exchanges from staff member containing the names “Jonathan Pruitt”, “Jonathan”, or “Pruitt” from January 1st, 2019 to July 30th, 2020.
FOI #20-255 - Subject - Forensic Audit of File Drives
Name - Richard Goldstein
Affiliation -
Copies of forensic analyses, any communications with any outside consultant or contactor who conducted the analyses, and all communications with third parties, including, but not limited to, private contractors or government agencies.
FOI #20-254 (07-26-20, 5:27 pm) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Andy Wittry
Affiliation -
I'd like to make a public records request for copies of any guest speaker release/clearance forms regarding any guest speakers brought in virtually or in person for one, or multiple, of the university's athletic teams starting March 12, 2020 and ending July 24, 2020.
FOI #20-253 (07-24-20, 1:44 pm) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Andy Wittry
Affiliation -
I'd like to make a public records request for copies of any surveys or questionnaires sent to university football season ticket holders or fans regarding the 2020-21 school year and their comfortability attending games in person, seating arrangements/preferences, etc.
Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies, digital or otherwise, of public records regarding any disciplinary records concerning University of Connecticut Professor.