Request Log

FOI #24-447 (09-19-24, 10:51 am) - Subject - Parking Services Income and Expenses Relating to the Avery Point Campus

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Student

1) A list of all parking service income from the Avery Point campus (parking permits, tickets, etc...)

2) A comprehensive list of all expenses affecting the Avery Point campus relating to parking services.

In other words, how is the money from parking fees accrued from the Avery Point campus specifically being put back into this campus?

FOI #24-446 (09-18-24, 10:25 pm) - Subject - Contracts with Integrated Security Group (ISG)

Name - Nell Srinath

Affiliation -

Documents should include any contracts between the University of Connecticut with Integrated Security Group (ISG) between 2015 and 2024.

Documents should include the dollar amount of the contract, the service provided, the start and end date of the contract.

Documents should include, if possible, the point of contact for the contract and any email correspondence between the university and the point of contact.

FOI #24-445 - Subject - Student Directory

Name -

Affiliation - The Generation Lab

I hope you're doing well. We're looking to make a Public Records Request for the following information for the undergraduate and graduate population (if applicable) enrolled at University of Connecticut in the current academic term:
• names
• majors
• class year
• participation in varsity sports

FOI #24-444 (09-17-24, 5:47 pm) - Subject - Student Directory Information

Name - Canyon Pergande

Affiliation - SideShift

I am requesting the list of names (first and last) and emails of University of Connecticut students that will be active for the fall 2024 semester from the student directory.

FOI #24-443 - Subject - Police Report

Name - Frank Szilagyi

Affiliation - Szilagyi & Daly

Police report for motor vehicle accident on 08/27/2023

FOI #24-442 (09-16-24, 11:47 am) - Subject - Commercial Laundry Equipment and Parts RFP#SD101623

Name - Neil MacLellan

Affiliation - Automatic Laundry Services Co., Inc.

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I am seeking copies of the competing bids submitted in response to “Commercial Laundry Equipment and Parts RFP#SD101623."

FOI #24-440 (09-14-24, 6:22 pm) - Subject - Documents relating to the arrest of Robert Parmalee 8/27 & 9/13

Name - Keegan Brown

Affiliation - NBC Connecticut

We are formally requesting any documents that may relate to the arrest of Robert Parmalee, aged 40, of Washington on 8/27 and 9/13. He was charged with second-degree breach of peace, second-degree harassment and stalking that caused fear of death to person or family. Specifically, we're looking to obtain an arrest warrant served by UConn Police Department and any email records of alleged stalking from Parmalee to UConn employees.

FOI #24-439 (09-13-24, 2:48 pm) - Subject - Bus Company Agreement

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Student

All documents pertaining to the agreement or contract between UConn and WRTD or the current operators of the buses that run on campus. Documents containing any requirements or rules placed on WRTD by UCONN pertaining to the operation of the bus lines.

FOI #24-438 (09-13-24, 8:59 am) - Subject - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) Solutions RFI (KC031421)

Name - Jennifer Fabugais

Affiliation - Deltek

Good day! I'm submitting this FOI request to obtain info about the status of the procurement for the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) / Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) solutions RFI (KC031421) which closed on April 9, 2021. May I know if there’s still an intent to release a formal/competitive solicitation for this project or is it already considered canceled? If canceled may we know the basis for the cancelation of this project and is there an official cancelation notice we can obtain? Please advise me of any potential fees prior to completing this request. Thank you very much!

FOI #24-437 (09-12-24, 10:07 pm) - Subject - Camera Feed

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - University of Connecticut - Graduate Student

Pursuant to FOIA, I am making a request for all available video recordings (feed) from traffic lights, UConn's cameras, etc that are collected by UConn Storrs Road (195).

Specifically, any surveillance or any other form of video recorded between the intersection of Storrs Road (195) and Willington Hill Road, and 195 and Bolton Road.; also, Bolton Road and Hillside Circ, as well as on hillside road that were recorded/collected on September 12, 2024, between the hours of 6 PM and 7:30 PM.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Student Student Student Parking Services Income and Expenses Relating to the Avery Point Campus UConn Regional Campus Complete
Nell Srinath Contracts with Integrated Security Group (ISG) UConn Storrs No records available
The Generation Lab Student Directory UConn Storrs Complete
Canyon Pergande SideShift Student Directory Information UConn Regional Campus Clarification requested
Frank Szilagyi Szilagyi & Daly Police Report UConn Storrs Complete
Neil MacLellan Automatic Laundry Services Co., Inc. Commercial Laundry Equipment and Parts RFP#SD101623 UConn Storrs Complete
Keegan Brown NBC Connecticut Documents relating to the arrest of Robert Parmalee 8/27 & 9/13 UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Student Bus Company Agreement UConn Storrs Complete
Jennifer Fabugais Deltek Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) Solutions RFI (KC031421) UConn Storrs In progress
Student Student University of Connecticut - Graduate Student Camera Feed UConn Storrs Complete