Request Log

FOI #20-271 - Subject - Email Correspondence

Name - Kyra Senese

Affiliation - The Brown Institute for Media Innovation

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., we request that a copy of the following documents be provided:

● Email correspondence, and all underlying documentation contained therein, between July 1,
2020, and the date this request is ultimately fulfilled sent to, from or copied to Michael Gilbert
containing any of the following non-case-sensitive key-strings: “reopen”; "covid*" or "coronavirus"

FOI #20-270 (08-16-20, 12:30 am) - Subject - 2020-21 football player policy manual

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation - The Intercollegiate

I am seeking any written team rules or player policy manual for the university's football program for the 2020-21 academic year.

FOI #20-269 - Subject - University Athletic District Development Phase 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation -

Hope all is well with you. We are requesting updated certified payroll records submitted by the contractors listed below for work performed on the University Athletic District Development project, phase 2 project referenced above. I've attached an update FOIA letter for your records.
• Ayotte & King for Tile from Wk ending 6.20.20 through the present
• C & C Mechanical Insulation from Wk ending 6.20.20 through the present
• Capozzoli Water Management from Wk ending 6.20.20 through the present
• Columbia Sheet Metal from Wk ending from 6.14.20 through the present
• Eastern Steel Erectors from Wk ending 6.13.20 through the present
• Haven Steel Erectors from Wk ending 5.3.20 through the present
• HHS Mechanical from Wk ending 6.20.20 through the present
• MT Ford Industries from Wk ending 6.13.20 through the present
• O & A Insulation from Wk ending 6.6.20 through the present
• P & D Mechanical from Wk ending 6.21.20 through the present
• Stairs & Steel from Wk ending 6.13.20 through the present
• Wayne J. Griffin Electric from Wk ending 6.14.20 through the present

FOI #20-268 (08-13-20, 8:00 am) - Subject - RFP# SK060120

Name - Debra Holman

Affiliation - D&D Enterprises

What is the current contract value? What were the previous results of this contract the last time is was awarded?

FOI #20-267 (08-12-20, 3:43 pm) - Subject - Employment Contracts/Agreements

Name - Ellen Woods

Affiliation - CollegeAD

Any signed or executed employment agreements or contracts between Mikaela Sullivan and UConn.

FOI #20-266 (08-12-20, 10:31 am) - Subject - Bid awards

Name - Aaron Dalton

Affiliation - Primary Landscaping, LLC

I could like the current bid awards for the landscaping/Lawn care contract for the Bergin Facility and Depot Campus.

FOI #20-265 (8-12-20, 7:13 am) - Subject - Total Contract Value

Name - Colin Klett

Affiliation - Custom Exterior Landscape

Please provide the current contract value for

*Bergin Facililty Mowing Contract
*Depot Campus Mowing/Landscape Maintenance Contract

FOI #20-264 - Subject - Animal Research COVID-19

Name - Magnolia Martinez

Affiliation - PETA

PETA requests one copy of records that document animals killed or otherwise disposed of – from March 1, 2020, through the present – and related to University of Connecticut’s reallocation or conservation of resources (human resources, money, and other assets), or an inability to proceed with experiments, or an inability to provide care to animals, for any reason related to COVID-19. This request does not include records that document animals killed or otherwise disposed of in COVID-19-related research.

FOI #20-263 (08-11-20, 12:39 pm) - Subject - Anti-Black Racism Course syllabus

Name - Sarah Imgrund

Affiliation - The College Fix

I am requesting a copy of the syllabus for the university’s new Anti-Black Racism course being offered this fall.

FOI #20-262 (08-11-20, 6:39 am) - Subject - Contract Values

Name - Scott Pinney

Affiliation - E.A. Quinn Landscape Contracting

Please provide the current contract value for
-Bergin Facililty Mowing Contract
-Depot Campus Mowing/Landscape Maintenance Contract

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Kyra Senese The Brown Institute for Media Innovation Email Correspondence UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Libit The Intercollegiate 2020-21 football player policy manual UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Hope Redding University Athletic District Development Phase 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17) UConn Storrs Complete
Debra Holman D&D Enterprises RFP# SK060120 UConn Storrs Complete
Ellen Woods CollegeAD Employment Contracts/Agreements UConn Storrs Complete
Aaron Dalton Primary Landscaping, LLC Bid awards UConn Storrs Complete
Colin Klett Custom Exterior Landscape Total Contract Value UConn Storrs Complete
Magnolia Martinez PETA Animal Research COVID-19 UConn Storrs Complete
Sarah Imgrund The College Fix Anti-Black Racism Course syllabus UConn Storrs Premature request
Scott Pinney E.A. Quinn Landscape Contracting Contract Values UConn Storrs Complete