FOI #20-282 (08-26-20, 11:26 am) - Subject - UCPD Weapons and Equipment Inventory
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - UConn
I am writing to request a full itemized inventory of the UConn Police Department's weapons and equipment. In particular, I would like a specific breakdown of what firearms they possess. I would also like to see the costs of their weapons and equipment.
FOI #20-280 (08-25-20, 12:51 pm) - Subject - Police Department workplace climate survey
Name - Ronald Scussel
Affiliation - Connecticut Police & Fire Union
I would like the results of the workplace climate survey/study that was done at the UConn Police Department including the raw data that was compiled, any reports that were generated by the study, and any correspondence surrounding the development, implementation, results and other related documents generated as a result of the survey.
FOI #20-279 (08-21-20, 1:10 pm) - Subject - Eversource Energy Center
Name - Patrick Eaton-Robb
Affiliation - Associated Press
Pursuant to the Act, I am requesting a copy of the following public records: all files, records, emails and documents in your possession or control that refer, relate to, predictions, reports and after-event analysis and emails between UConn's Eversource Energy Center especially Diego Cerrai, and Eversource and United Illuminating between July 27 and Aug 14, 2020 related to Tropical Storm Isaias, including, but not limited to predictions and after-event reviews.
FOI #20-278 - Subject - Athletics Employee Contracts
Name - Jason Grieshaber
Affiliation - Winthrop Intelligence, LLC
1.Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request copies of the following “Documents” for the athletic department staff listed below:
a. Current employment contract and salary (Letter of intent, form agreement, or applicable document / record which shows annual compensation and start/end date of employment). If an employee does not have a formal written agreement, please provide (ideally in a spreadsheet or table format): Name, Compensation, and Start/End Date (or write “At Will” if applicable).
b. Most recent outside income form (ideally 2019-2020 fiscal year) including Sports Camps for any employee if available.
2. Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request copies of the following “Documents” for the athletic department staff listed below:
a. Most recent outside income form (ideally 2019-2020 fiscal year) including Sports Camps for any employee if available.
3. Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of any contract or written agreement in force (i.e., signed, fully executed) between the University and/or its Department of Athletics (or its affiliates) and third parties regarding all of the following categories of subject matter:
FOI #20-277 (08-20-20, 1:09 pm) - Subject - List of respondents to RFI KK022820 – Telecommunications Expense Management System
Name - Jennifer Fabugais
Affiliation - Deltek
Good day! I would like to submit this FOIA request to obtain the list of vendors who responded to RFI KK022820 – Telecommunications Expense Management System which closed last March 2020. I'd appreciate if I can receive it by email. Thank you!
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting copies of the current contracts, and all amendments thereto, for your institution’s current contract with any and all third parties for the following areas:
1- Multimedia and Corporate Sponsorship Rights (Companies who are either a licensee of Sponsorship or Trademark Licensee such as Learfield Sports IMG College (or prior names such as Learfield, IMG, etc.), Van Wagner Sports, JMI Sports, Outfront Media, PEAK Sports, etc.) for Athletics
2- All Apparel Rights Contracts (i.e Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, etc.) for the Athletics Department
3- All Ticketing Contracts (i.e. The Aspire Group, Learfield IMG College Ticket Solutions, Taymar Sales U) for the Athletics Department
FOI #20-274 (08-18-20, 1:18 pm) - Subject - Eversource Energy Center data and communications
Name - Bill Cummings
Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Newspapers
Pursuant to state Freedom of Information law, Hearst Connecticut Newspapers requests copies of predictions and reports shared with Eversource and United Illuminating between July 28 and Aug 4, 2020 related to significant approaching storms, including Tropical Storm Isaias.
Please include copies of all emails from UConn staff to Eversource and United Illuminating - and any emails from the electric companies to UConn staff - regarding Tropical Storm Isaias between July 28 and Aug 11, 2020.