Request Log

FOI #20-302 (09-13-20, 9:02 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of any emails sent to or from men's basketball coach Dan Hurley, from his university email account or any personal email accounts used for university business, starting Sept. 9 and ending Sept. 10, 2020 that include the word "tournament." Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees be waived.

FOI #20-301 (09-12-20, 3:45 pm) - Subject - COVID Testing Data

Name - student student

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that pertain to UConn's COVID-19 testing data. More specifically, I am interested in obtaining data relating to the overall number of tests completed and the daily/weekly rates of tests completed between August 2020 until the most up-to-date data as possible.

FOI #20-300 (09-11-20, 12:09 pm) - Subject - FOI Request #20-251

Name -

Affiliation -

I am seeking all documentation produced in FOI request #20-251 and updates, if any, to the budgeting associated with this event since the submission of FOI request #20-251.

FOI #20-299 (09-11-20, 12:47 am) - Subject - Personal Service Agreement Record Request

Name -

Affiliation -

Pursuant to C.G.S. § 1-200, et seq., I am requesting a copy of a personal service agreement (PSA) with the PSA ID # S502218. This PSA has a contract period of 11/09/2020 - 11/09/2020 and was signed by the Interim Associate Vice President of University Business Services & Chief Procurement Officer on or about June 4, 2020.

FOI #20-298 (09-10-20, 11:40 am) - Subject - OIE Reports

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

I am seeking all OIE reports from request FOI#20-079, made 02/20/2020, to present day.

FOI #20-297 (09-10-20, 11:40 am) - Subject - Request 19-105

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am seeking all documentation produced in FOI request 19-105, information pertaining to OIE case 18-272.

FOI #20-296 (09-9-20, 2:51 pm) - Subject - UConn's Budget and Endownment

Name - student student

Affiliation - UConn

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that contain the most current available, comprehensive list detailing all investments and investment returns made and accrued by the UConn Foundation and all University of Connecticut endowment activities.

I also request an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that contain the details of the University of Connecticut's complete and entire budget.

FOI #20-295 (09-9-20, 2:51 pm) - Subject - Emails of Administrators referring to COVID and Reopening

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that pertain to the UConn's reopening plans.
Specifically, I request the following records:

For now, can your office share with me emails TO or FROM Provost Carl Lejuez that include any of the following keywords or phrases:
COVID, Reopen, "Isolation beds," Quarantine, and "graduate student fees" between the periods of June 1, 2020 and September 15, 2020.

FOI #20-294 - Subject - Mailing Equipment

Name - Kristi Baker

Affiliation -

I am requesting a copy of the postage equipment lease for the mailing equipment used at your facility listed below:

352 MANSFIELD RD # 1048

As previously mentioned, I believe it may be Pitney Bowes equipment. If so, the lease agreement would be with Pitney Bowes Global Financial.

If your equipment was purchased, please send a copy of the purchase agreement for the owned equipment.

FOI #20-293 (09-9-20, 5:38 am) - Subject - Trilogy and 2U Contracts

Name - Christof Rindlisbacher

Affiliation -

I am requesting the following documents.

1. Contracts with Trilogy
2. Contracts with 2U
3. Trilogy Invoices
4. 2U Invoices
5. Material from Trilogy regarding the graduation or placement rates of its programs.
6. Material from 2U regarding the graduation or placement rates of its programs.

Please fulfill this request electronically via email. I am a journalist and this request is for noncommercial purposes.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Andy Wittry Athletics UConn Storrs No records available
student student COVID Testing Data UConn Storrs Complete
FOI Request #20-251 UConn Storrs Complete
Personal Service Agreement Record Request UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus OIE Reports UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Student Student Request 19-105 UConn Health Complete
student student UConn UConn's Budget and Endownment UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Emails of Administrators referring to COVID and Reopening UConn Storrs Complete
Kristi Baker Mailing Equipment UConn Storrs No records available
Christof Rindlisbacher Trilogy and 2U Contracts UConn Storrs Complete