Request Log

FOI #20-313 (09-21-20, 11:46 am) - Subject - Big East Contract

Name - Andrei Greska

Affiliation - Paint Touches

Hi, I am requesting to see the signed copy of the contract signed with the Big East Conference to outline participation in athletic competition. In particular, I am looking for any documents that outline the breakdown in Television Revenue from the Big East and/or FOX Sports.

FOI #20-312 (09-20-20, 12:23 pm) - Subject - SHAW-Mental Health Budget

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn

I would like to request the FY15, FY 16, FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20 and FY 21 budget for SHAW-Mental Health, including revenue sources and as detailed expenditures (salaries, etc.) as possible.

FOI #20-311 (09-18-20, 1:25 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation -

I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of any emails, as well as any related email attachments, sent to or from men's basketball coach Dan Hurley starting Sept. 16 and ending Sept. 17, 2020 that include the word "bubble" or "pod." Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees be waived.

FOI #20-310 - Subject - Women’s Basketball Head Coach’s Contract

Name - Haley Akihiro

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to analyze or acquire copies of public records that entail the Women’s Basketball Head Coach’s, Geno Auriemma, contract with the University of Connecticut in its entirety.

FOI #20-309 (09-17-20, 12:50 pm) - Subject - Franchise Agreement: Earth Wok and Fire

Name - Rachel Duffy

Affiliation - Syracuse University

I am looking for your franchise agreement with Earth Wok and Fire. Would love the original and any addendums therein.
Thank you very much.

FOI #20-308 (09-17-20, 11:49 am) - Subject - Police Payroll, Disciplinary Records, and Arrest Statistics

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn

I request copies of the public safety payroll for fiscal years 18-19 and 19-20, to include salary and/or overtime hours.

I request access to all officer disciplinary records for the past 5 years.

I also request access to arrest statistics for the past five year to indicate how many times officers have conducted arrests, by type, and the racial, ethnic, and gender demographics of persons accused.

FOI #20-307 (09-16-20, 1:37 pm) - Subject - Bid Results for RFP#UCHC4-129697268

Name -

Affiliation - BCI, Inc. dba Butler Company

We are looking for a bid tabulation of results for the Snow & Ice removal RFP#UCHC4-129697268. In addition we would like a summary of how you evaluated the proposals and any information pertaining to that.

FOI #20-306 (09-16-20, 10:59 am) - Subject - Public Information Request- On Call Professional Temporary Services #5-2814

Name - Crystal Cooper

Affiliation - Infojini, Inc.

I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records for the Contract- On Call Professional Temporary Services. The details I am requesting are given below:

• Names of the incumbents
• Spending on this contract since inception.

FOI #20-305 - Subject - Expenditures

Name - Kristi Upton

Affiliation - Acme Research

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that your office provide us with public spending information, including both capital and operating expenditures, for payments made by or on behalf of The University of Connecticut Health Center during fiscal year 2020. Specifically, for any payee other than a regular employee or student paid a cumulative total amount of more than $5,000, we seek the payee name, address, and the cumulative total dollar amount paid to the subject payee over the relevant time period.

FOI #20-304 (20-09-15-20, 8:50 am) - Subject - Edward Kershbaum Hall

Name - Francis Delaney

Affiliation - West State Mechanical, Inc,.

Architectural and/or mechanical and plumbing drawings from the construction of the above referenced building, which is located on what was the Waterbury campus at 32 Hillside Ave and Prospect Streets in Waterbury

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Andrei Greska Paint Touches Big East Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn SHAW-Mental Health Budget UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Haley Akihiro Women’s Basketball Head Coach’s Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Rachel Duffy Syracuse University Franchise Agreement: Earth Wok and Fire UConn Storrs No records available
Student Student UConn Police Payroll, Disciplinary Records, and Arrest Statistics UConn Storrs Clarification requested
BCI, Inc. dba Butler Company Bid Results for RFP#UCHC4-129697268 UConn Health Premature request
Crystal Cooper Infojini, Inc. Public Information Request- On Call Professional Temporary Services #5-2814 Complete
Kristi Upton Acme Research Expenditures UConn Health Complete
Francis Delaney West State Mechanical, Inc,. Edward Kershbaum Hall UConn Regional Campus Complete