Request Log

FOI #20-345 - Subject - Student Directory Information

Name - Lauren Montgomery

Affiliation -

In accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut, the undersigned hereby requests the right to inspect and make a copy of the following public information which you have on all students currently registered at your state university, but limited as to each student to the following information only:
1. Name;
2. Home Mailing Address;
3. Campus Mailing Address;
4. E-mail Address;
5. Campus Telephone Number;
6. Permanent Home Address;
7. Permanent Home Telephone Number;
8. Parent/Legal Guardian Names;
9. Parent/Legal Guardian Telephone Numbers;
10. Parent/Legal Guardian Email Addresses;

FOI #20-344 - Subject - SmartProcure Public Records Request to University of Connecticut For Contact Information

Name - Danick Baron

Affiliation -

SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut for all current employee/staff contact information. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.
The specific information requested from your record keeping system is:
• 1. First Name
• 2. Last Name
• 3. Position Title
• 4. Department
• 5. Direct Phone Number (if does not exist, list main phone number with extension)
• 6. Business Cell Phone (if provided by University of Connecticut)
• 7. Email Address
• 8. Office Address (Address, City, State, Zip)

FOI #20-343 (10-22-20, 9:31 am) - Subject - Robin DiAngelo Dis-invitation Information

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn

I request any correspondence between University personnel and Robin DiAngelo regarding the dis invitation/cancellation of PSA #5502218.

FOI #20-342 - Subject - Student Directory Information

Name - Cyrus

Affiliation - College Reaction LLC

We're looking to make a Public Records Request for the undergraduate, and graduate population (if applicable) currently enrolled at University of Connecticut in the Autumn Semester of 2020. If any of that information is not available, we would request any and all of it that is.
• Name
• NetID
• School or College
• Major Field of Study
• Degree Sought

FOI #20-341 - Subject - RFP# JL020118

Name - Maureen Mitchell

Affiliation - Fox Rothschild LLP

Copies of public records regarding RFP# JL020118 “Intellectual Property Solution” (the “RFP”) submitted on February 23, 2018, which includes (i) all documents or other materials received by the University of Connecticut from vendors in connection with the RFP and (ii) all documents concerning or reflecting the scoring and/or evaluation of vendor submissions in connection with the RFP.

FOI #20-340 (10-16-20, 7:04 pm) - Subject - Athletic Department Budget

Name - Connor Ullathorne

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records, including the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 athletics department operations budget.

FOI #20-339 (10-16-20, 12:27 pm) - Subject - First-time fall enrollment by sending high school and race

Name - Meredith Kolodner

Affiliation - The Hechinger Report

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting copies of the public records listed below:
1) The number of first-time students who enrolled at the University of Connecticut from each public high school in Connecticut, disaggregated by race in the fall of 2010, fall 2013 and fall 2018.
2) If the data by high school is not available, then I am requesting the number of first-time students who enrolled at the University of Connecticut from each public school district in Connecticut, disaggregated by race for fall 2010, fall 2013 and fall 2018

FOI #20-338 - Subject - FOI - Student waivers

Name - Bill Wilson

Affiliation -

This is a request under the state freedom of information/access statute, for the following items:
1. Any Name, Image, or Likeness, or right of publicity waiver or grant-of-rights, which any student-athlete is required or asked to sign;
2. Any Covid-19 or related waiver or release which any student-athlete is required to sign;
3. Any FERPA waiver or release which any student-athlete is required to sign.
4. Any Name, Image, or Likeness, or right of publicity waiver or grant-of-rights, which any club sport player is required or asked to sign;
5. And Covid-19 or related waiver or release which any club sport player is required to sign
6. Any FERPA waiver or release which any club sport player is required to sign
7. Any Name, Image, or Likeness, or right of publicity waiver or grant-of-rights, which any ordinary, non-student-athlete, non-club sport player, is required or asked to sign
8. Any Covid-19 or related waiver or release which any ordinary, non-student-athlete, non-club sport player, is required or asked to sign
9. Any FERPA waiver or release which any ordinary, non-student-athlete, non-club sport player, is required or asked to sign.

FOI #20-337 (10-14-20, 5:56 pm) - Subject - Internal Audit Reports

Name - Han Yan

Affiliation -

I am writing to request internal audit reports issued by the internal audit office for all types of engagements including:
and other internal audit activities
from 1/1/2010 to 10/13/2020
for University of Connecticut.  
Thank you.

FOI #20-336 (10-14-20, 12:54 pm) - Subject - Video of Accident at West Dock

Name - Evan Warner

Affiliation - Courier Express, Inc.

Requesting video of accident that occurred between Old Dominion tractor trailer and Courier Express cargo van at the West Dock loading area on 10/31/19 at 10:08. This accident was filed with the UConn Campus Police, Case No. 1900071221. Report completed by Sgt, Twiss.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Lauren Montgomery Student Directory Information UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Danick Baron SmartProcure Public Records Request to University of Connecticut For Contact Information UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Robin DiAngelo Dis-invitation Information UConn Storrs Complete
Cyrus College Reaction LLC Student Directory Information UConn Storrs Complete
Maureen Mitchell Fox Rothschild LLP RFP# JL020118 UConn Storrs Complete
Connor Ullathorne Athletic Department Budget UConn Storrs Complete
Meredith Kolodner The Hechinger Report First-time fall enrollment by sending high school and race UConn Storrs Complete
Bill Wilson FOI - Student waivers UConn Storrs Complete
Han Yan Internal Audit Reports UConn Storrs Complete
Evan Warner Courier Express, Inc. Video of Accident at West Dock UConn Health No records available