Request Log

FOI #20-366 (11-13-20, 9:56 am) - Subject - Bid Results for Storrs Campus Landscaping

Name - Marissa Pehl

Affiliation - BCI, Inc. dba Butler Company


I am looking to get the bid results from the last time the UCONN Storrs campus Landscaping was out to bid RFQ # DS102915-1. Can I also have a copy of the score sheet for the companies that submitted pricing?

Thank you,

Marissa Pehl

FOI #20-365 - Subject - University Athletic District Dev. Ph 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of lnformation Act Sec. 1-210, we are requesting certified payroll records submitted by the subset of companies listed below for work being performed on the University Athletic District Development Phase 2 project referenced above.
• Ayotte & King for Tile from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• C & C Mechanical Insulation from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• Capozzoli Water Management from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• Columbia Sheet Metal from Wk ending 8.16.20 through to the present
• Dalene Hardware Flooring for all weeks worked
• Eastern Steel Erectors from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanical
• Haven Steel Erectors from Wk ending 5.3.20 through to the present
• HHS Mechanical from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• MT Ford Industries from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• O&A Insulation from Wk ending 8.22.20 through to the present
• P & D Mechanical from Wk ending 8.9.20 through to the present
• Stairs & Steel from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• Schenectady Steel
• Shepard Steel
• Wayne J. Griffin Electric from Wk ending 8.9.20 through to the present

FOI #20-364 (11-12-20, 6:05 pm) - Subject - Football Game Contracts

Name - Kevin Kelley

Affiliation - BRI Solutions, LLC

All University of Connecticut football game contracts, amendments, and/or cancellations for non-conference opponents for the 2020 season through 2040 season (DATED OR EXECUTED ON OR AFTER JULY 22, 2020).

FOI #20-363 (11-12-20, 3:39 pm) - Subject - Trauma Informed Materials

Name - Alex Morey

Affiliation - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

This is a request for records pursuant to Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (Conn. Gen. Stat. §1-200 et seq.).

I request the following records:

1. Any emails, memos, or letters or attachments thereto sent between the University of Connecticut Office of Institutional Equity, or the University of Connecticut administration (including any of its officers, staff members, directors, or other employees) and any faculty or staff members related to any “trauma informed” or “trauma-informed” training programs or materials from January 1, 2019 to the present.

2. Any records held by the University of Connecticut Office of Institutional Equity, or the University of Connecticut administration, and units thereunder (including PowerPoint presentations, guidebooks, or any other documents or files both digital and physical) containing the words/phrase “trauma informed” or “trauma-informed” distributed to faculty or staff members by the University of Connecticut Office of Institutional Equity or the University of Connecticut administration (including any of its officers, staff members, directors, or other employees) between January 1, 2019 and the present.

FOI #20-362 (11-11-20, 11:22 am) - Subject - Connecticut Commitment Initiative

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect and/or obtain copies of public records from the University of Connecticut that contain the following:
1) De-identified demographic information of students supported by the Connecticut Commitment initiative for the 2020-2021 Academic Year, including: available race, ethnicity, and gender self-reports, as well as recipients’ towns of residence and reported family income at time of application to the initiative.
2) The total cost of the Connecticut Commitment initiative for the 2020-2021 Academic year, and the average amount of aid provided per student covered under the initiative for the 2020-2021 academic year.
3) The projected costs for the Connecticut Commitment program for academic years after 2020-2021.
4) Names of private and non-profit donors that contributed financially to the Connecticut Commitment initiative for the 2020-2021 academic year.
5) Names of private and non-profit donors that supported the Connecticut Commitment for the 2020-2021 academic year but did NOT pledge to continue, or pulled, their support for future academic years.
6) The total amount from the University’s operating budget that was 1) allocated and 2) spent on the Connecticut Commitment initiative during the 2020-2021 academic year.
7) Minutes from meetings in which the decision to end the Connecticut Commitment were discussed.
8) Emails between President Katsouleas, members on the Board of Trustees, and/or university administrators regarding the decision to pause the Connecticut Commitment.

FOI #20-361 (11-9-20, 1:42 pm) - Subject - Coaching contracts

Name - Dan Murphy

Affiliation - ESPN

Please provide copies of the coaching contracts(including any amendments) for men's basketball coach Dan Hurley and women's basketball coach Geno Auriemma.

FOI #20-360 (11-9-20, 1:25 pm) - Subject - Incident at UConn Recreation Center

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Undergraduate Student

Incident footage from the University of Connecticut Recreation Center on February 24th 2020.

FOI #20-359 - Subject - Software Licenses

Name - Tom Roberts

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies (electronic or hard copy) of public records (contracts and/or purchase orders) that make up the licensing (pricing and volumes) of specific software for faculty, staff, students and institutional computers at University of Connecticut (UC). The software licensing contracts sought are for all IBM SPSS statistical products.
The records are all licensing agreements for students, faculty, staff, and institutional computers and personal computers, including contracts, purchase orders, options, offers, quotes, pricing tables, site licenses, supporting, and attending documents for the licensing (or the offer of licensing) of IBM Corporation's SPSS product line from this and the prior three fiscal years.

FOI #20-358 (11-5-20, 2:51 pm) - Subject - Bid # LM071320

Name - Marc Angarano

Affiliation -

I would like to know what the current contract amount of Main Campus Landscaping Services. Asking this because the landscaping services for the main campus solicitation # LM071320

FOI #20-357 - Subject - Staff Directory

Name - Janie Jordan

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the state open records law, Conn. Gen. Stat. Secs. 1-200 to 1-242, I write to request access to and a copy of a listing of all UConn John Dempsey Hospital’s employees’ first and last names, e-mail addresses, title/position, and primary office/department location.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Marissa Pehl BCI, Inc. dba Butler Company Bid Results for Storrs Campus Landscaping UConn Storrs Complete
Hope Redding University Athletic District Dev. Ph 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17) UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Kelley BRI Solutions, LLC Football Game Contracts UConn Storrs No records available
Alex Morey Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Trauma Informed Materials UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student University of Connecticut Connecticut Commitment Initiative UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Murphy ESPN Coaching contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Undergraduate Student Incident at UConn Recreation Center UConn Storrs Complete
Tom Roberts Software Licenses UConn Storrs Complete
Marc Angarano Bid # LM071320 UConn Storrs Complete
Janie Jordan Staff Directory UConn Health Complete