FOI #20-375 (11-24-20, 1:42 pm) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Andy Wittry
Affiliation -
I'd like to request a copy of any emails, as well as any related attachments, sent to or from Athletic Director David Benedict starting Nov. 1 and ending Nov. 3, 2020 that include "NIL" or "forum." Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees are waived.
FOI #20-374 (11-24-20, 11:15 am) - Subject - 2018 ---2019 Campus Landscape awarded RFP and pricing
Name - James Brooks
Good Morning , the NYM Group has submitted documentation for the 2021 opportunity to service the Storrs campus with landscape services ---- it will be reviewed as step one over the next two weeks with 11/24 close date --- the NYM Group would like to offer the University the most competitive pricing as possible and this information is helpful to keeping the Universities budget line in line as we deal through these difficult time handling COVID -19 Thank you
FOI #20-373 (11-20-20, 2:44 pm) - Subject - Faculty Directory
Name - Chris Willis
Affiliation - North Carolina State University
I am making a public records request for the first name, last name, email address, rank, job title, and department of primary appointment, for all currently employed full-time, tenure-track or tenured faculty at your institution. If possible, I would prefer the data in an Excel spreadsheet or csv file.
FOI #20-371 - Subject - UCONN Gant Bldg (Internal Case #17-28)
Name - Hope Redding
Affiliation -
We are requesting certified payroll records submitted by the following list of contractors for work performed on the UCONN Gant Building Renovation project. We would like to continue receiving the records electronically. If you have any questions or need anything further, please let me know.
• Automated Logic Contracting Services
• DePaoli Mosaic from Wk ending 9.30.20 through to the present
• Environmental Testing & Balancing
• Ferguson Electric from Wk ending 10.10.20 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanical from Wk ending 10.10.20 through to the present
• Manganaro Northeast from Wk ending 8.30.20 through to the present
• P&D Mechanical from Wk ending 9.27.20 through to the present
• Scholar Painting from Wk ending 10.10.20 through to the present
1. All submitted proposals, including but not limited to:
- All the Exhibits
- Appendices
- Attachments
- Cover Letters
2. Awarded contract, including all Exhibits and Attachments and any Amendments.
3. Scoring/evaluation sheets, including pricing.
FOI #20-368 - Subject - Student Directory Information
Name - Lauren Montgomery
Affiliation -
The undersigned hereby requests the right to inspect and make a copy of the following information which you have on all students
currently registered at your state university, but limited as to each student to the following information only:
2. Home Mailing Address
3. Campus Mailing Address
4. Permanent Home Address
5. Permanent Home Telephone Number
FOI #20-367 (11-17-20, 12:33 am) - Subject - Environmental Studies Program
Name - Faculty Faculty
Affiliation - University of Connecticut
Any and all emails either to or from Edith Barrett that mention either the Environmental Studies program, its abbreviated form, EVST, and/or the program director, Carol Atkinson-Palombo in either the subject line or body of the email.