Request Log

FOI #20-386 (12-8-20, 9:35 pm) - Subject - COVID-19

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut

I am seeking any and all written correspondence between UConn athletic director David Benedict and UConn President Thomas Katsouleas with the terms "coronavirus" or covid" since Nov. 1, 2020 through Dec. 8, 2020.
I am also seeking any and all written correspondence within that timeframe with the words "coronavirus" or "covid" between Benedict and Katsouleas and the state Department of Public Health and Gov. Ned Lamont's office. This could include direct communication with Lamont, or members of his staff including Paul Mounds or Josh Geballe.

FOI #20-385 (12-8-20, 7:52 am) - Subject - Video footage for internal agency use.

Name - Gregory Bonds

Affiliation - Connecticut Department of Corrections

Good Morning. I am looking to get (3) video segments from 11/24/2020. The first clip I am looking for is from the camera label DOC-Entrance Hallway n9c16 UCH-NVR-09 from 05:45 to 07:45, That same camera from 14:00-16:00. The next camera is label DOC-West lift and stair n7c28 UCH-NVR-07 from 13:00-15:00.

FOI #20-384 (12-7-20, 1:27 pm) - Subject - UCAR Members Compensation Survey

Name - Matthew Dunbar

Affiliation - Pearl Meyer

The purpose of this survey is to gather and report compensation data for faculty who teach or conduct research in atmospheric, oceanic, and other related disciplines during the 2020-2021 school year.
Please note this survey also collects data for Postdoctoral Students and Software Engineers / Programmers.

FOI #20-383 (12-5-20, 1:46 pm) - Subject - security camera footage

Name - James & Nancy Harris

Affiliation -

I would like to request the security camera footage on 11-24-20 between the times of 1:00 p.m. to 11-25-2020 1:00 am. from the camera from the Emergency Room, E.R. parking lot and the parking garage at the Farmington UConn Medical Center and below the parking garage.

FOI #20-382 (12-4-20, 12:26 pm) - Subject - Emails

Name - Vince Espi

Affiliation - LocalLabs

Copies of emails sent or received by certain Staff containing any of the keywords; “Catalyzing Antiracist and Decolonial Futures,” “Salary,” “antiracist,” and “anti-racist” from August 1st 2020 to the present day.

FOI #20-381 (12-3-20, 4:03 pm) - Subject - Award information for Bid KK062520

Name - Jon Kanetzky

Affiliation - Pro-Lab Diagnostics

I was inquiring about the award information regarding bid KK062520. I believe this is public information.

FOI #20-380 - Subject - Bid KS110520

Name - Mary McAvoy

Affiliation -

Can you please provide the information requested for each public solicitation, Pool Maintenance and Repair Services
Owner Project Number: KS110520

FOI #20-379 - Subject - Tenure Meetings

Name - Faculty Faculty

Affiliation -

I am requesting access to the email communication and documentation of the tenure meetings regarding my tenure evaluation. If there were recordings I am requesting them also. I request access to a document that was used as a metric for their deliberation. I also request the PTR letters from each year.

FOI #20-378 (12-3-20, 10:00 am) - Subject - Security Camera Footage of Athletics Field

Name - Ethan Jones

Affiliation - Daniel O'Connells Sons. (Construction Manager for Athletics District Project)

I would like to request the security camera footage on 12-2-20 between the times of 7am - 3pm from the camera on the South Side of Shenkman Facilities to review out jobsite of damage that happened to a gate fence post. The camera is and was pointing towards the construction of the new softball stadium. Please call if you need any further details.

FOI #20-377 (11-30-20, 2:49 pm) - Subject - UConn Football Correspondence

Name - Matt Brown

Affiliation - Extra Points

I am seeking ALL emails sent from NON emails to UCOnn AD David Benedict from October 1-Nov 29 that mention UConn football.

The specific rationale for this request is to determine if Boosters, Fans, or outside parties were supportive of UConn's decision to not pursue a fall football schedule while others did so, OR if seeing football played elsewhere changed minds of others invested in the program. Thus, I am seeking documentation during this time period that would demonstrate what fans and outside parties believed.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Dan Brechlin Hearst Connecticut COVID-19 UConn Storrs No records available
Gregory Bonds Connecticut Department of Corrections Video footage for internal agency use. UConn Health Complete
Matthew Dunbar Pearl Meyer UCAR Members Compensation Survey UConn Storrs Complete
James & Nancy Harris security camera footage UConn Health Complete
Vince Espi LocalLabs Emails UConn Regional Campus Premature request
Jon Kanetzky Pro-Lab Diagnostics Award information for Bid KK062520 UConn Storrs Complete
Mary McAvoy Bid KS110520 UConn Storrs Complete
Faculty Faculty Tenure Meetings UConn Storrs Complete
Ethan Jones Daniel O'Connells Sons. (Construction Manager for Athletics District Project) Security Camera Footage of Athletics Field UConn Storrs Complete
Matt Brown Extra Points UConn Football Correspondence UConn Storrs No records available