Request Log

FOI #21-010 (01-8-21, 11:45 am) - Subject - Miguel Cardona

Name - Brad Moss

Affiliation - Mark S. Zaid, P.C.

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200, et seq., we are requesting copies of UCONN records.

We are specifically seeking records regarding Miguel A. Cardona, the current Commissioner of Education (“Commissioner Cardona”) and former Adjunct Professor at UCONN. The categories of information we are seeking include but are not limited to:

1) Records memorializing Commissioner Cardona’s personal disciplinary history, including any verbal or written grievances filed against him, any complaints of misconduct filed regarding him, and any disciplinary actions proposed and/or taken against him;

2) Records memorializing Commissioner Cardona’s involvement in disciplinary actions with respect to other UCONN employees and regarding which he participated in his professional capacity;

3) The entirety of Commissioner Cardona’s application for employment with UCONN, including his application itself, his resume, and any other materials submitted by Commissioner Cardona; and

4) All performance evaluations issued with respect to Commissioner Cardona’s employment at UCONN.

The phrase “UCONN officials” should be construed to encompasses Government civilian employees, detailees, political appointees, Constitutional officers, military personnel (whether active duty, reservists or National Guard), contract support staff and consultants.

FOI #21-009 - Subject - 2020 NCAA Financial Statement

Name - Alexa Philippou

Affiliation - The Hartford Courant

I am seeking the athletic department's 2020 NCAA financial statement and any attachments or addendums

FOI #21-008 (01-7-21, 6:10 pm) - Subject - Coach pay

Name - Laura Purtell

Affiliation - ESPN

Records showing the amount of money the University of Connecticut has paid to any coaches in men's basketball, women's basketball and football in severance pay from January 1, 2010 to present, including head coaches, assistant coaches, and strength and conditioning coaches. Records should include the total amount paid to each coach, date of each payment, and amount of each payment during this time period. We are hoping to get responses no later than Feb. 1.

FOI #21-007 - Subject - Security Camera Footage

Name - Ethan Jones

Affiliation - Daniel O'Connell's Sons

I would like to request the security camera footage on 12-1-20 between the times of 7am - 3pm from the camera on the South Side of Shenkman Facilities to review out jobsite of damage that happened to a gate fence post. The camera is and was pointing towards the construction of the new softball stadium.

FOI #21-006 - Subject - Miguel Cardona

Name - Jaqueline Rabe

Affiliation - CT Mirror

1. Job application and resume of former adjunct instructor Miguel Cardona
2. Mr. Cardona's employment contract(s).
3. Mr. Cardona's performance evaluations.

FOI #21-005 (01-6-21, 4:42 pm) - Subject - Senator Richard Blumenthal

Name - Allan Blutstein

Affiliation - America Rising Corp.

Emails exchanged between Carla Curran, Assistant Director, Federal Relations, and the office of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (

FOI #21-004 - Subject - RFP #2020-06

Name - Mike Cartona

Affiliation - Grogan, Tuccillo & Vanderleeden, LLP

1. All submitted proposals in response to RFP #2020-06, including but not limited to:
- All the Exhibits
- Appendices
- Attachments
- Cover Letters
2. List of firms selected for follow up interviews
3. Final Report of the Selection Committee

FOI #21-003 - Subject - Open Records Request re: Athletics and Men's Basketball

Name - Matt Brown

Affiliation - Extra Points

I would like to file an Open Records Request for the following documentation:

1) The number of season tickets sold, per season, for the 2019-2020,
2018-2019 and 2017-2018 Men's Basketball Season, if available.

2) Game by game *scanned ticket* breakdowns, not official attendance, for each Men's basketball home game during the 2019-2020, 2018-2019 and 2017-2018 men's basketball season.

FOI #21-002 (01-4-21, 8:26 am) - Subject - Athletics request

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut

I am seeking the athletic department's 2020 NCAA financial statement and any attachments or addendums. If it has not been submitted yet, please consider this a standing request for the document. Thank you.

FOI #21-001 - Subject - Exit Interviews

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation -

Pursuant to your state’s public records laws, I request copies of athlete exit or end-of-season interview surveys, questionnaires, interviewer notes, and/or documents summarizing exit interview feedback that were produced during the 2019-20 academic year. In order to balance FERPA concerns with the public’s right to know, I encourage you to consider doing limited redactions of athlete names and personally identifying information

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Brad Moss Mark S. Zaid, P.C. Miguel Cardona UConn Storrs Complete
Alexa Philippou The Hartford Courant 2020 NCAA Financial Statement UConn Storrs Complete
Laura Purtell ESPN Coach pay UConn Storrs Complete
Ethan Jones Daniel O'Connell's Sons Security Camera Footage UConn Storrs Complete
Jaqueline Rabe CT Mirror Miguel Cardona UConn Storrs Complete
Allan Blutstein America Rising Corp. Senator Richard Blumenthal UConn Storrs Complete
Mike Cartona Grogan, Tuccillo & Vanderleeden, LLP RFP #2020-06 UConn Storrs No records available
Matt Brown Extra Points Open Records Request re: Athletics and Men's Basketball UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Brechlin Hearst Connecticut Athletics request UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Libit Exit Interviews UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt