Request Log

FOI #21-020 (01-18-21, 9:33 am) - Subject - Student contact Emails

Name - Jordan Carter

Affiliation - H&R Block- Coventry

We would like to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act for names and emails of students who were enrolled on the UCONN-Storrs campus for Spring, Summer & Fall session of 2020.

Thank you in advance for your help with this request.

FOI #21-019 (01-17-21, 7:52 am) - Subject - Email correspondence to or from Edith Barrett

Name - Faculty Faculty

Affiliation - University of Connnecticut

Any and all correspondence with either Carol Atkinson-Palombo or EVST or Environmental Studies in the header or body of the email.

FOI #21-018 (01-15-21, 4:24 pm) - Subject - Athletic documents related to conferences alignment and finances

Name - Abbott Koloff

Affiliation - The Record/ - USA Today Network

Please provide the following documents:
1) The contract or agreement related to Connecticut’s entrance into the BIG EAST Conference.
2) The 2020 FY report to the NCAA showing revenues, expenses and other finances related to the athletic department. This is the report that was due to be sent to the NCAA on Jan. 15, 2021.
3) The 2019 report to the NCAA showing revenues, expenses and other finances related to the athletic department.
4) Documents showing the amount that Connecticut owed to the ACC as an exit fee and documents showing payments made to satisfy that fee.
5) Please provide any non-disclosure agreement that the university may have with the BIG EAST Conference.

FOI #21-017 (01-15-21, 1:36 pm) - Subject - I am writing to request a copy of the 2019-2020 NCAA Annual Financial Report provided to the NCAA.

Name - Jason Grieshaber

Affiliation - Winthrop Intelligence, LLC

Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of the 2019-2020 NCAA Annual Financial Report provided to the NCAA.
If the requested records described above are available in electronic format (e.g., PDFs or CD), then I would prefer to receive the information in that format instead of paper copies. If you are able to email the records, I request all PDFs in a single WinZip file in the responsive email (no password protected files, please). If you are unable to email the records or you require an address to process this request, please find below my mailing address.

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions, or require any other information to process this request in a timely manner.

FOI #21-016 - Subject - KS090220 Snow and Ice Control Services

Name - Justin Bingham

Affiliation - Partner Green Valley Landscaping LLC

Looking for the bid results of KS090220 Snow and Ice Control Services at Rental Houses

FOI #21-015 - Subject - 2020 procurement for an EAP and Wellness Services

Name - Anne Reins

Affiliation -

2020 procurement for an EAP and Wellness Services

FOI #21-014 - Subject - Public records request

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation - Reporter, Sportico

Pursuant to your state’s public records laws, I request the following materials:

1. Any agreements (inclusive of addenda) entered into by or on behalf of the University’s athletic department and David Brookbank (dba Income Protection Consultants) since Jan. 1, 2018.

2. An unsigned or signature-redacted copy of the most recent release form from liability, waiver, and/or discharge the athletic department has athletes sign regarding disability insurance.

FOI #21-013 (01-12-21, 7:47 pm) - Subject - Personal Service Agreement for Ibram X Kendi

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn

I request the Public Service Agreement for Ibram X Kendi's MLK Day event.

FOI #21-012 (01-12-21, 4:20 pm) - Subject - Contract Information - Solicitation KK011020 for Resilient Connecticut – Engagement, Planning, Design, Architectural, Engineering Services

Name - Ethan Gill

Affiliation - Deltek, Inc.


Deltek is submitting a public records request to Arizona Department of Economic Security for commercial purposes.

Would a representative please provide the information relating to the solicitation below? If available, please include any awarded contract documents and bid tabulation/results.

Project Name: Resilient Connecticut – Engagement, Planning, Design, Architectural, Engineering Services
Bid Number: KK011020
Due Date: 3/19/2020
Contract Number:
Awarded Vendor Name:
Awarded Vendor Address:
Awarded Vendor Phone:
Award Amount:
Award Date:
Start Date:
End Date:
Contract Terms:
Contract Document:

FOI #21-011 (01-9-21, 8:54 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation - Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter)

I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of any emails, as well as any related attachments, sent to or from Athletic Director David Benedict starting Jan. 2 and ending Jan. 8, 2021 that include any of "NCAA tournament," "Indianapolis," or "testing," while ignoring industry newsletters such as D1.ticker or Apple News. Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees are waived.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Jordan Carter H&R Block- Coventry Student contact Emails UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Faculty Faculty University of Connnecticut Email correspondence to or from Edith Barrett UConn Storrs Complete
Abbott Koloff The Record/ - USA Today Network Athletic documents related to conferences alignment and finances UConn Storrs Complete
Jason Grieshaber Winthrop Intelligence, LLC I am writing to request a copy of the 2019-2020 NCAA Annual Financial Report provided to the NCAA. UConn Storrs Complete
Justin Bingham Partner Green Valley Landscaping LLC KS090220 Snow and Ice Control Services UConn Storrs Complete
Anne Reins 2020 procurement for an EAP and Wellness Services UConn Storrs Premature request
Daniel Libit Reporter, Sportico Public records request UConn Storrs No records available
Student Student UConn Personal Service Agreement for Ibram X Kendi UConn Storrs Complete
Ethan Gill Deltek, Inc. Contract Information - Solicitation KK011020 for Resilient Connecticut – Engagement, Planning, Design, Architectural, Engineering Services UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter) Athletics UConn Storrs Complete