FOI #21-030 (01-26-21, 4:53 am) - Subject - FOI Request #20-091
Name - Jason Morgan
Affiliation - Journalist
Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200, et seq., i am requesting all UConn records pertaining to Freedom of Information Request #20-091, filed on March 6, 2020.
Please provide copies of all e-mails, phone records, memoranda, meeting minutes, and all other documents and/or other communications produced and/or transmitted in direct or indirect relation to FOI #20-091, including records in direct or indirect relation to Jason Morgan, the requester.
The purpose of this Freedom of Information Act request is to determine whether FOI #20-091 is being processed in full compliance with state and federal law.
Any and all records regarding a fall that occurred on January 4, 2021 in the parking lot of the University of Connecticut Health Center, including but not limited to, incident reports, photographs, video recordings, inspection reports, medical records, etc.
FOI #21-028 (01-25-21, 9:58 am) - Subject - Personal Service Agreement for Susan Herbst
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - UConn
I request the Personal Service Agreement for Susan Herbst's keynote speech in "From Insurrection to Inauguration: Perspectives and Conversation on the Current State of Our Nation," on Wednesday, January 27th, 1-3pm
1. All IACUC meeting minutes from August 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. (This includes all attachments, appendices, annexes, and accompanying documents, including photos and videos.)
2. The IACUC semiannual report to the Institutional Official (plus the facility inspection checklists and program review checklists that form the basis of this report) that was created during the second half of 2020. (This includes all attachments, appendices, annexes, and accompanying documents, including photos and videos, as well as minority views.)
FOI #21-026 (01-21-21, 3:45 pm) - Subject - Athletics department documents
Name - Steve Berkowitz
Affiliation - USA Today
1. The revenue-and-expenses report completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2020 fiscal year. It is a multi-page document that was due to be filed with the NCAA on Jan. 15, 2021. It contains more than 40 revenue and expense categories, followed by specific breakdowns of each of those categories, by sport and gender. I am requesting the full report, including the detail tables and the entire Statement of Revenues and Expenses that appears at the end of the report. PLEASE NOTE: The NCAA report is different than the equity report that is sent to the U.S. Department of Education for Title IX compliance.
2. The current contracts – including documents reflecting any voluntary or mandatory compensation adjustments since March 15, 2020 -- and the current base salaries, if not specified in the contract, for the following athletics department employees:
--Men’s basketball head coach, if there is now a full-form contract for Dan Hurley
--Women’s basketball head coach.
--The women’s basketball team’s three full-time assistant coaches.
If there is no contact for any of these individuals, please forward the letter(s) of intent or other document(s) outlining each person’s conditions of employment -- including bonus structure -- and/or a current statement of salary.
3. The most recent athletically related outside income report for the men’s basketball head coach and the women’s basketball head coach. If the university has not yet resumed collecting these documents, which again are required under an NCAA rules change in August 2018, please state that in the response to this request.
4.. An itemized list of incentive bonus amounts actually paid to the current men’s basketball head coach from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The goal of this request is to obtain data about bonus payments made for sport-related goals achieved during the 2019-20 basketball season and/or for academic or other achievements during a full, 12-month period, even though that period may not conform with the school’s fiscal year or academic year or with the coach’s contract year.
FOI #21-025 (01-21-21, 3:20 pm) - Subject - Request for tenure files
Name - Hannah Wohl
Affiliation - University of California, Santa Barbara
I am a professor in the sociology department at University of California, Santa Barbara. I am doing research on evaluation within the field of academia. I am collecting tenure files from faculty at public universities. Within these files, I am especially interested in letters by external reviewers. I would like to request tenure files from around 30 faculty members at University of Connecticut. Before I proceed, can you let me know if these files are accessible to me via a public records request?
FOI #21-024 (01-21-21, 1:01 pm) - Subject - Basketball Coaches
Name - Tyler Watson
Affiliation -
Most updated longform contract and any contract amendments for women's basketball Coach Geno Auriemma. In addition to Coach Auriemma, I would like to request contracts or offer letters/notice of employment and 20-21 base salary for men's basketball staff members: Kimani Young, Kevin Freeman, Tom Moore, Eric Youncofski, Tripp Doherty, Michael Rehfeldt, Taliek Brown, and Paul Wettemann III.
I request the NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System revenue and expense reports for fiscal year 2020. Specifically:
These reports are completed by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the fiscal year 2020. This report is a multi-page document that had to be submitted to the NCAA by January 15th. It contains more than 40 revenue and expense categories, followed by specific breakdowns of each of those categories, by sport and gender. I am requesting the full report, including the detail tables, the “Other Reporting Items” list and the “Statement of Revenues and Expenses” that appears at the end of the report. PLEASE NOTE: The NCAA report is different than the equity report that is sent to the U.S. Department of Education for Title IX compliance.
FOI #21-022 (01-20-21, 9:44 am) - Subject - Athletics/Financials
Name - Eben Novy-Williams
Affiliation - Sportico
Requesting a copy of the athletic department’s full revenue/expense report for fiscal 2020, which it files annually with NCAA. I believe the document is available starting last week, or this week. It’s typically about 80 pages.
1) All job vacancy postings for the position of an Ergonomist that were posted in the UCONN department of Human Resources as stated in Article 10 of the Contract between UCONN Health and the local Union during the time period from the years 2018 to 2020
2) All UCONN job vacancy postings for the position of an Ergonomist that were posted on any external job posting websites or publications during the time period from the years 2018 to 2020.
3) A dated copy of the notice of these above-mentioned postings that was sent to the local union.
4) Any documents or records related to the approval of the above mentioned job vacancy including any signature pages.
5) A copy of the UCONN job posting requirements/standards/policies.
Please notify/confirm the date and means by which I will be provided access to these documents.