Request Log

FOI #21-060 (02-19-21, 5:36 pm) - Subject - search #494214 Head of Digital Infrastructure Services

Name - Nicholas Eshelman

Affiliation -

Hi, Can you please send me all materials related to this search? Thanks --Nicholas

FOI #21-059 (02-19-21, 11:43 am) - Subject - List of respondents to RFI #5-2020 – Continuing Medical Education Application Review Process

Name - Jennifer Fabugais

Affiliation - Deltek

Requesting for the list of list respondents to RFI #5-2020 released for the Continuing Medical Education Application Review Process which closed on February 13, 2020.

FOI #21-058 (02-18-21, 8:30 pm) - Subject - Athletics Coach & Game Contracts

Name - Jason Grieshaber

Affiliation - Winthrop Intelligence LLC

This is a request for records pursuant to state law as well as the terms of a written contract that is in force between the University of Connecticut and our company whereby our company provides the University of Connecticut’s Department of athletics with a data and information service called Win AD (see The Connecticut Open Records Act requires a response time within four business days. If access to the records I am requesting will take longer than that time period, please contact me to advise when I should expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records.

Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request copies of the following “Documents” for the athletic department staff listed below:
Current employment contract and salary (Letter of intent, form agreement, or applicable document / record which shows annual compensation and start/end date of employment). If an employee does not have a formal written agreement, please provide (ideally in a spreadsheet or table format): Name, Compensation, and Start/End Date (or write “At Will” if applicable).
1. Butler Moe University of Connecticut
2. Casiero Dr. Deena University of Connecticut
3. Davidson Chrissy University of Connecticut
4. Freeman Kevin University of Connecticut
Men's Basketball
Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of any contract or written agreement in force (i.e., signed, fully executed) for non-conference Men's Basketball games listed below plus any additional non-conference games or exhibition games scheduled to be played during the 2020 - 2021 season and future years:
Central Connecticut State University 11/25/2020
University of Hartford 11/27/2020
Women's Basketball
Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of any contract or written agreement in force (i.e., signed, fully executed) for non-conference Women's Basketball games listed below plus any additional non-conference games or exhibition games scheduled to be played during the 2020 - 2021 season and future years:
University of Arkansas 01/28/2021
University of Massachusetts, Lowell 12/12/2020
University of South Carolina 02/08/2021
Pursuant to applicable authority, I am writing to request a copy of the 2019-2020 Audited Financial Report (Agreed-Upon Procedures)
If the requested records described above are available in electronic format (e.g., PDFs or CD), then I would prefer to receive the information in that format instead of paper copies. If you are able to email the records, I request all PDFs in a single WinZip file in the responsive email (no password protected files, please). If you are unable to email the records or you require an address to process this request, please find below my mailing address.

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions, or require any other information to process this request in a timely manner.

Thank you,


FOI #21-057 (02-18-21, 3:25 pm) - Subject - UConn football contract

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut

I am seeking the contract for a UConn football game against Houston scheduled for Nov. 27, 2021. Thank you

FOI #21-056 (02-18-21, 11:39 am) - Subject - Football Game Contract

Name - Kevin Kelley

Affiliation - BRI Solutions, LLC

A copy of the football game contract for a game with the University of Houston in 2021.

FOI #21-055 - Subject - University Athletic District Dev. Ph 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation -

We're requesting payroll records submitted by the contractors listed below for work performed on the University Athletic District project referenced above. I've updated and attached an FOI letter for your records. We would like to continue receiving these records electronically. If you have trouble opening the attachment or need anything further on our end, please let us know.
• American Partition & Lockers for Wk ending 11.28.20 through to the present
• Ayotte & King for Tile for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• C & C Mechanical Insulation for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• Capozzoli Water Management for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• Columbia Sheet Metal for Wk ending 11.1.20 through to the present
• CSNE, LLC for all work performed
• Dalene Hardware Flooring for all work performed
• Eastern Steel Erectors from Wk ending 8.8.20 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanical for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• Any additional Ferguson Mechanical Subcontractors for all work performed
• Haven Steel Erectors from Wk ending 5.3.20 through to the present
• HHS Mechanical for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• Any HHS Mechanical Subcontractors for all work performed
• MT Ford Industries for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• O&A Insulation for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• P & D Mechanical for Wk ending 11.1.20 through to the present
• Schenectady Steelfor all work performed
• Stairs & Steel for Wk ending 10.31.20 through to the present
• Wayne J. Griffin Electric for Wk ending 11.1.20 through to the present

FOI #21-054 (02-17-21, 10:31 am) - Subject - Highest Paid Assistant Coach Pay Information

Name - Luis Hernandez

Affiliation - Willis Towers Watson

Good afternoon. Pursuant to applicable state freedom of information laws, the undersigned hereby requests the following information for the Highest Paid Assistant Football Coach for the last three years:

1. Copy of employment agreement and compensatory arrangements, including amendments.
2. Pay records, including salary, bonus, retirement, health care and other benefits and perquisites.

FOI #21-053 - Subject - PreVenture Business Advisor

Name - Jonathan Johnson

Affiliation -

Please regard this letter a request under the Freedom Of Information Act. I am requesting all records related to position of “PreVenture Business Advisor” between my application date (approx. April 1, 2020) and today’s date (February 12, 2021). I am requesting:
1. Any record or correspondence that mentions “Jonathan Johnson”, “Jonathan”, “Johnson” or my email address “”
2. Any record or correspondence that mentions the candidate(s) whom you hired
3. Any record or correspondence discussed the position in general
4. Any record or correspondence that mentions the word “protest” or “rally”

FOI #21-052 - Subject - UCONN Gant Bldg (Internal Case #17-28)

Name - Hope Redding

Affiliation -

We are requesting updated certified payroll records submitted by the contractors listed below for work performed on the UCONN Gant Building. I've attached an FOI letter for your records. We would like to continue receiving the responsive records electronically. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions or trouble opening the attachment, please let me know.
• DePaoli Mosaic for Wk ending 9.30.20 through to the present
• Enironmental Testing & Balancing for Wk ending 10.25.20 through to the present
• Ferguson Electric for Wk ending 11.28.20 through to the present
• Ferguson Mechanic for Wk ending 11.28.20 through to the present
• Manganaro Northeast for Wk ending 9.26.20 through to the present
• P&D Mechanical for Wk ending 11.29.20 through to the present
• Scholar Painting for Wk ending 11.28.20 through to the present

FOI #21-051 - Subject - UCPD Code of Conduct

Name - Chris Worchel

Affiliation - CPFU

All UConn Police Department Internal Affairs Investigations (2015-current) of UConn Police Officers accused of violating SOP 20100, Code of Conduct.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Nicholas Eshelman search #494214 Head of Digital Infrastructure Services UConn Storrs Complete
Jennifer Fabugais Deltek List of respondents to RFI #5-2020 – Continuing Medical Education Application Review Process UConn Health Premature request
Jason Grieshaber Winthrop Intelligence LLC Athletics Coach & Game Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Brechlin Hearst Connecticut UConn football contract UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Kelley BRI Solutions, LLC Football Game Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Hope Redding University Athletic District Dev. Ph 2 - Project No. 201696 (Internal Case #19-17) UConn Storrs Complete
Luis Hernandez Willis Towers Watson Highest Paid Assistant Coach Pay Information UConn Storrs Complete
Jonathan Johnson PreVenture Business Advisor UConn Storrs Complete
Hope Redding UCONN Gant Bldg (Internal Case #17-28) UConn Storrs Complete
Chris Worchel CPFU UCPD Code of Conduct UConn Storrs Request withdrawn