Request Log

FOI #21-070 (02-28-21, 12:47 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Faculty Faculty

Affiliation -

Requesting the athletic department's annual NCAA FOI document for FY2020 with all detailed revenue and expense information.

FOI #21-069 (02-28-21, 10:24 am) - Subject - RA contract

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

I am requesting a copy of the residential assistant 2020 - 2021 contract for UConn Storrs and any supplemental information related to the contract and employment end dates.

FOI #21-068 (02-25-21, 10:20 am) - Subject - Course Billing

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

Internal correspondence, meeting minutes, policy statements and records of guidelines regarding decisions on formulating course lesson plans, decisions on learning objectives for each course, decisions on quantity of credit-hours per course, and decisions on course prerequisites for the undergraduate ECE department courses in years 2000-2021.

FOI #21-067 - Subject - Employment Contracts

Name - Zach Prociuk

Affiliation -

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I'd like to request electronic copies of the contracts (and any extensions/amendments) for the head men's basketball coach and his 3 assistant coaches, the head football coach, his 10 assistants, and any analysts, and the athletic director. If any assistant coaches do not have contracts, their letters of employment and/or salary figures will be sufficient. Please let me know if there is a fee.

I'd also like to request an electronic copy of the contracts for the men's basketball and football support staff for the year 2020-2021. If there are no employment contracts for these individuals, salary figures will suffice. Please let me know if there is a fee

FOI #21-066 - Subject - Contact Information - Avery Point

Name - Product Analyst Team

Affiliation -

We would like to submit a public record request to the University of Connecticut Avery Point for all current employee/staff contact information. The request is limited to readily available records in any electronic format. Alternatively, if the information is readily available on your website, please let us know where and we will obtain it from there.

The specific information being requested is:
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Position Title
4. Department
5. Direct Phone Number (if does not exist, list main phone number with extension)
6. Business Cell Phone (if provided by ${Accounts Account Name})
7. Email Address
8. Office Address (Address, City, State, Zip)

FOI #21-065 - Subject - Contact Information - Waterbury

Name - Product Analyst Team

Affiliation -

We would like to submit a public record request to the University of Connecticut Waterbury for all current employee/staff contact information. The request is limited to readily available records in any electronic format. Alternatively, if the information is readily available on your website, please let us know where and we will obtain it from there.

The specific information being requested is:
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Position Title
4. Department
5. Direct Phone Number (if does not exist, list main phone number with extension)
6. Business Cell Phone (if provided by ${Accounts Account Name})
7. Email Address
8. Office Address (Address, City, State, Zip)

FOI #21-064 - Subject - Contact Information - UConn Health

Name - Product Analyst Team

Affiliation -

We would like to submit a public record request to the University of Connecticut Health Center for all current employee/staff contact information. The request is limited to readily available records in any electronic format. Alternatively, if the information is readily available on your website, please let us know where and we will obtain it from there.

The specific information being requested is:
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Position Title
4. Department
5. Direct Phone Number (if does not exist, list main phone number with extension)
6. Business Cell Phone (if provided by ${Accounts Account Name})
7. Email Address
8. Office Address (Address, City, State, Zip)

FOI #21-063 (02-23-21, 9:46 am) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation - Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter)

I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of any emails, as well as any related attachments, sent to or from AD David Benedict starting Feb. 19 and ending Feb. 23, 2021 that include either "Big East" or "Madison Square Garden," while ignoring any listserv emails. Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees are waived.

FOI #21-062 (02-21-21, 2:34 pm) - Subject - Correspondence between University Staff Surrounding the Uyghur Genocide

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Undergraduate Student Government

To the greatest extent possible the Undergraduate Students Government is searching for internal correspondence between Officials within the Neag Dean's office, Dean of Students office, UConn Global Affairs, and other offices pertaining to this Message:

This should include an email with the subject line: "Question and request on the unconfirmed news of Chinese Uighur" received by Judd on Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 2:30 PM as well as the response sent by Jones on Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 9:11 AM.

This should also include an email sent from CSSA UCONN to Alexander, Rae ; DOS - Dean of Students ; UConn - Global Affairs on Monday, November 2, 2020 12:30 PM with the subject "Emergent! Report of a sensitive political statement towards China" and any internal correspondence surrounding it.

FOI #21-061 - Subject - CAHNR employees

Name - Lindsay Jenkelunas

Affiliation -

The Union is submitting a formal Freedom of Information Request regarding University discretionary compensation forms from the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR).
Please include the following:
• Any and all written recommendations for UCPEA Performance-Based Compensation for CAHNR employees in 2020.
• Any and all written recommendations for UCPEA One-Time Performance Awards for CAHNR employees in 2020.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Faculty Faculty Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus RA contract UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student University of Connecticut Course Billing UConn Storrs Complete
Zach Prociuk Employment Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Product Analyst Team Contact Information - Avery Point UConn Regional Campus Complete
Product Analyst Team Contact Information - Waterbury UConn Regional Campus Complete
Product Analyst Team Contact Information - UConn Health UConn Health Complete
Andy Wittry Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter) Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Undergraduate Student Government Correspondence between University Staff Surrounding the Uyghur Genocide UConn Storrs Complete
Lindsay Jenkelunas CAHNR employees UConn Storrs Complete