Request Log

FOI #21-096 (03-14-21, 6:37 pm) - Subject - Resident Assistants

Name - Dana Cassidy

Affiliation - Brechner Center for Freedom of Information

Pursuant to the state open records law, Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I request copies of the following documents pertaining to Resident Assistants in student housing at your university:

A copy of any policy, handbook, rulebook or manual that addresses interactions between Resident Assistants working in campus housing and the news media.
A blank copy of any contract or agreement that Resident Assistants are asked to sign, if any, that addresses communications with the news media. (To be clear, this request seeks generic documents, not documents containing identifiable student data.)

FOI #21-095 (03-11-21, 2:38 pm) - Subject - UConn football contracts

Name - Sean Barker

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media

We are requesting contracts for UConn football games with Sacred Heart (2023), Ole Miss (2027, 2028) and Liberty (2022, 2025).

FOI #21-094 (03-11-21, 1:45 pm) - Subject - UConn Football game contract and emails

Name - Matt Brown

Affiliation - Extra Points

1) A copy of the updated contracts for the recently announced home and home football series between UConn and Ole Miss in 2027/2028

2) All emails sent and received from UConn AD David Benedict and Ole Miss AD Keith Carter from Jan 1-March 11 concerning future football schedules.

Thank you very much!

FOI #21-093 - Subject - Athletics

Name - David Hill

Affiliation - David G. Hill & Associates, LLC

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act§ 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records, specifically any memorandums of understanding and employment contracts related to the employment by the University of Connecticut, of head coaches, Dan Hurley and Randy Edsall, including any amendments, extensions, or modifications to date.

FOI #21-092 (03-9-21, 1:51 pm) - Subject - Athletics department documents

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

I would like to obtain copies of the recently announced extensions or, as applicable, restated contracts for men's basketball coach Dan Hurley and football coach Randy Edsall.

FOI #21-091 (03-9-21, 1:39 pm) - Subject - LM071320

Name - Marissa Pehl

Affiliation - BCI, Inc. dba Butler Company

Can you please provide me with the bid results of this RFQ from all submissions. Also, can you provide me with the evaluations of the contractors that participated in pricing and presentations?

FOI #21-090 - Subject - RFP# DS012120

Name - Megan Kreimer

Affiliation -

1. All submitted proposals, including but not limited to:
- All the Exhibits
- Appendices
- Attachments
- Cover Letters
2. Awarded contract, including all Exhibits and Attachments and any Amendments.
3. Scoring/evaluation sheets, including pricing.

FOI #21-089 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - April Priller

Affiliation - The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement (SCLA)

Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), we request access to the following FERPA designated Directory Information as it pertains to your currently enrolled students (both online and on-campus students, across all campuses based upon Spring 2021 data):

· Student's name
· Address
· Telephone listing
· Electronic mail address
· Major field of study
· Dates of attendance
· Anticipated graduation date

FOI #21-088 - Subject - UConn Health RFP's

Name - Marc Needelman

Affiliation -

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that relate to the award of Courier
and Distribution Services for UCONN Health from January 1, 2016 through the present date ("Subject Period••).
Specifically, I request, but do not limit my inquiry to:
a. All requests for proposals/qualifications ("R.F.P./R.F.Q:•) (including supplements) issued by UCONN Health for Courier and Distribution Services.
b. All responses received by UCONN Health in response to such requests.
c. Copies of any/all contracts issued for such services during the period specified, and any extensions thereto.
d. Contract Award Numbers associated with any contract issued, and the name and address of each party to whom a contract was awarded, or to whom a ContractAward Number issued.
e. The Contract Value of each such contract issued.
f. Whether for each contract issued, whether or not the Vendor selected had its principal place of business headquartered in Connecticut.
g. How each R.F.P./R.F.Q. was advertised, published or distributed.
h. The current estimated date for soliciting a new contract(s) for Courier and Distribution Services.
i. Copies of all invoices submitted to UCONN Health for Courier and Distribution Services during the Subject Period.
j. Copies of payments issued to providers of Courier and Distribution Services by UCONN Health during the Subject Period.

FOI #21-087 (03-5-21, 2:18 pm) - Subject - UConn Health employees

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - UConn Health

Documents or data for UConn Health employees that could answer the following:
-Number of employees on block and intermittent leaves with the employee’s roles, departments and unions to date.
-Number of employees on intermittent and block leaves in 2018, 2019 and 2020 to include the employee’s roles, departments and unions
-Number of employees that have more than one leave within their employment timeframe
-Amount of overtime each employee has taken in each department for 2018, 2019, 2020 and to date for 2021.
-Number of people hired for special payroll, the roles they are hired for and the department the special payroll individuals work (for the years of 2018, 2019, 2020 and currently).

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Dana Cassidy Brechner Center for Freedom of Information Resident Assistants UConn Storrs Complete
Sean Barker Hearst Connecticut Media UConn football contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Matt Brown Extra Points UConn Football game contract and emails UConn Storrs Complete
David Hill David G. Hill & Associates, LLC Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Athletics department documents UConn Storrs Complete
Marissa Pehl BCI, Inc. dba Butler Company LM071320 UConn Storrs Complete
Megan Kreimer RFP# DS012120 UConn Storrs Premature request
April Priller The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement (SCLA) Directory Information UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Marc Needelman UConn Health RFP's UConn Health Complete
Student Student UConn Health UConn Health employees UConn Health Complete