FOI #21-107 (03-23-21, 8:44 am) - Subject - Retention and Tenure Track Faculty Separations
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - University of Connecticut
1. History of faculty retention offers from AY 16-17 through AY 19-20 (Rachel Wice in the Provost's Office has this information)
2. Separation history of regular payroll faculty from AY 16-17 (8/23/16) through AY 19-20 (5/22/20) -- title, reason for departure if provided, start date at university, separation date at university, gender, race/ethnicity
FOI #21-106 (03-22-21, 6:43 pm) - Subject - Clery Reports
Name - Audrey Redpath
Affiliation - Echo Newspaper WCSU
CLERY Act Required Annual Security Reports (in the digital format in which they're archived and distributed) reporting data through the prior calendar year for the following years:
FOI #21-105 (03-19-21, 3:10 pm) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Andy Wittry
Affiliation - Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter)
I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of any emails, as well as any related attachments, sent or received by any of: AD David Benedict, Assistant Athletic Director for Men's Basketball Operations Eric Youncofski or Assistant AD for Women's Basketball Administration Sarah Darras (but not exclusively emails between these three individuals) that include either "traveling party" or "travel party" starting March 12 and ending March 15, 2021. Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees are waived.
Andy Wittry
Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter)
FOI #21-104 (03-19-21, 10:03 am) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Andy Wittry
Affiliation - Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter)
I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of any emails, as well as any related attachments, sent or received by any of AD David Benedict, SWA Adrianne Swinney or women's basketball coach Geno Auriemma (although not exclusively emails shared between these three individuals), that were sent starting March 17 and ending March 18 that include any of "weight," "strength" or "equal." Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees are waived.
FOI #21-103 (03-19-21, 8:17 am) - Subject - SmartProcure Public Records Request to University of Connecticut For PO/Vendor Information
Name - Michelle England
Affiliation - SmartProcure
SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut for any and all purchasing records from Jun 21, 2020 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.
The specific information requested from your record keeping system is:
1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number
2. Purchase date
3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase)
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address
FOI #21-102 (03-18-21, 3:26 pm) - Subject - Appendices to Northwest Science Quad Traffic Impact Study
Name - Emil Gruber
Affiliation - McMahon Associates
We would like to request a full PDF set of all the appendices for the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Fuss & O'Neill dated August 2018 for the Northwest Science Quad, as referenced in the Environmental Impact Evaluation found at (page 136 of that PDF contains a list of the TIS appendices).
As a way to position Canon Solutions America to compete for your future business when your current lease or rental agreement comes up for renewal, I am sending you this written request for records. Requests for information can sometimes come across as abrasive, which is why I want to assure you that this request is being made simply to collect information and determine the proper follow up times down the road. I am respectfully requesting any/all information with regard to your current managed print services contract including, but not limited to, the following:
*Copy of current contract with Connecticut Business Systems, LLC (Contract No. UC-15-JL101113)
*Number of MFPs, monthly volume and cost
*Number of printers, monthly volume and cost
*Number of on-site employees that are responsible for managed print including job description and salary
*If the University is currently using a Print Management software, please advise as to which software is being used and cost of same
*Contact name and number for person responsible for making decisions with regard to managed print contracts.
Thank you for what I hope is not a great deal of your time spent gathering this information. Feel free to contact me with any questions or if there are any additional charges (copying, etc.) associated with providing this information. I will be more than happy to cover these costs, as well as follow any other guidelines set forth by University of Connecticut.
Can you provide to me the latest contract award information in regards to RFQ LM071320 Main Campus Landscaping Services that would have been signed in the past few weeks for the Main campus in Storrs?
This letter constitutes a request under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., on behalf of our client, UNITE HERE Local 217 (“Local 217”). Local 217 requests:
1. The Request for Proposals for food service at UCONN Health located in Farmington, CT.
2. The list of companies who have submitted questions and/or bids on the contract for food service at UCONN Health located in Farmington, CT
3. Any and all public information regarding the Request for Proposal for food service at UCONN Health located in Farmington, including but not limited to the bid specs, the responses, and other information pertaining to the RFP.
FOI #21-098 (03-15-21, 11:53 am) - Subject - Freedom of Information Act Request
Name - Sean Moran
Affiliation -
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting copies of the current contracts, and all amendments thereto, for your institution’s current contracts for the following areas:
1- Multimedia and Corporate Sponsorship Rights (Companies who are either a licensee of Sponsorship or Trademark Licensee such as Learfield IMG College (or prior names such as Learfield Sports, IMG College, etc.), Van Wagner, JMI Sports, Outfront Media, PEAK Sports, etc.) for Athletics
2- All Apparel Rights Contracts (i.e Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, etc.) for the Athletics Department
3- All Ticketing Contracts (i.e. The Aspire Group, Learfield IMG College Ticket Solutions, Taymar Sales U) for the Athletics Department
4- All Coaches’ Contracts for the Athletics Department
5- All Game Contracts for the Athletics Department
6- All Pouring Rights Contracts (i.e. The Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo, etc.) for the Athletics Department