Request Log

FOI #21-137 - Subject - RFI# KC031421

Name - Aifton Coleman

Affiliation -

I hope this email finds you well! I’m reaching out in regards to the RFI# KC031421 that recently closed. I’m hoping to receive a list of respondent vendors, as well as find out if any timelines for subsequent RFPs have been determined at this time.

FOI #21-136 - Subject - Royalty Report

Name - Daniel Libit

Affiliation - Reporter, Sportico

Pursuant to Connecticut’s public records law, I request copies of the Learfield Fee Rights or Royalty Reports for 2018-19 and 2019-20.

FOI #21-135 (04-17-21, 9:44 am) - Subject - Jason Gordon

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - The Daily Campus

Writing to obtain any documents related to the departure of Jason Gordon, who served as the Honors STEM Scholar Advisor at the university up until abruptly leaving on April 7.

FOI #21-134 - Subject - UCONN Project #300023


Affiliation -

Please accept this as my formal request for the following in regard to CJ Fucci for this project, UCONN Project #300023:

1. Any pay requisition after Appl 27 (28, 29 and so on)
2 I am looking to get a current copy of this spreadsheet with payments if at all possible, please and thank you! The last one sent left off at Appl 27.
3. Previously we have received all SWPP reports from the beginning of the project up until April 14, 2020 and are in need of all submissions thereafter. (SWPP report example below for clarification

FOI #21-133 (04-13-21, 5:26 pm) - Subject - Title IX Compliance Reports

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

I am requesting the Title IX Compliance Reports from 2010-current, including but not limited to any and all reports by Helen Grant, Lamar Daniel and anyone else.

FOI #21-132 - Subject - Athletic Locker Room Project

Name - Angelique McCall

Affiliation - Brackett & Ellis, P.C.

I am requesting the following public information, recorded in any medium, in the possession, custody or control of the University of Connecticut regarding the University’s recent athletic locker room project and any related contractors and manufacturers, including Hollman Court Systems, Inc. d/b/a Hollman, Inc. and Hollman, Inc. (collectively Hollman).
1. Any correspondence between the University and any contractors or manufacturers, or any of their representatives, employees and agents—including Hollman, Travis Hollman, Winston & Strawn, LLP and Ward Legal Group, PLLC—regarding but not limited to the following topics:
a. The University’s bidding process for contractors and manufacturers that design and install lockers in its athletic facilities in which any bidders participated; and
b. All locker designs, renderings, shop drawings, mock-up and prototypes submitted by all contractors or manufacturers to the University for any athletic locker projects.
2. All documents related to any bids submitted to the University by all contractors and manufacturers, including but not limited to any advertising materials, purchase orders and change orders.
3. In the event that a bid was awarded to a contractor for any locker project, all documents related to that project, including all photographs of the installed lockers.

FOI #21-131 - Subject - Outstanding Checks

Name - Michael Lazar

Affiliation -

Pursuant to which grants access to copies of public records, we respectfully request the most up to date information pertaining to the following types of obligations:
• Outstanding and refundable credit balances.
• Checks exempt from Unclaimed Property Reporting.
• Unclaimed, uncashed, undeliverable, staled-dated, voided, overdue and/or outstanding payments or checks/warrants issued and owed by UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT.

FOI #21-130 - Subject - 494902

Name - Faculty Faculty

Affiliation -

I had applied for the 494902 - Associate Director of the Office of Organizational and Skill Development (USP 3) position and was declined. I was told I could ask for the reasoning behind the decline, but could not find any clear information about it on the website. I have already spoken with my director, but was curious about the official notation in the record.

FOI #21-129 (04-7-21, 6:56 pm) - Subject -

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

In July of 2020, the university compiled a record of all bias complaints from 2019-2020 for an FOI request for Mike Savino of Eyewitness News Channel 3 (WFSB). I am looking for that email and its attached files (the compiled bias complaint records).

FOI #21-128 (04-7-21, 11:47 am) - Subject - Football Game Contract

Name - Ellen Wood

Affiliation - College AD

Any signed and/or executed football game contract between the University of Connecticut and Florida Atlantic University.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Aifton Coleman RFI# KC031421 UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Libit Reporter, Sportico Royalty Report UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student The Daily Campus Jason Gordon UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
DANIELLE CAIAZZO UCONN Project #300023 UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Title IX Compliance Reports UConn Storrs Complete
Angelique McCall Brackett & Ellis, P.C. Athletic Locker Room Project UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Lazar Outstanding Checks UConn Storrs Complete
Faculty Faculty 494902 UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student UConn Storrs Complete
Ellen Wood College AD Football Game Contract UConn Storrs Complete