Request Log

FOI #21-147 (04-23-21, 10:40 am) - Subject - Main Campus Parking Replacements Project #300023

Name - Paul Fitzgerald

Affiliation - Michelson, Kane, Royster & Barger, PC (law firm)

This office represents All Seasons Landscaping, Inc. in connection with the above-referenced project. Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes § 1-7 et. seq., we hereby request an opportunity to inspect and copy the following documents relating to the project:

1. All correspondence (including e-mails) between the University of Connecticut (“UCONN”) and C.J. Fucci, Inc. (“Fucci”) concerning the Project.

2. All correspondence (including e-mails) between the University of Connecticut personnel (“UCONN”) concerning the Project.

3. All correspondence (including e-mails) between UCONN and Stantec concerning the Project.

4. All correspondence (including e-mails) between Fucci and Stantec concerning the Project.

5. The prequalification package submitted by Fucci on the Project.

6. A list of the small business enterprise (“SBE”) contractors utilized by Fucci on the Project.

7. All time and material submittals

8. All product submittals from Fucci for the Project.

9. All construction schedules issued in connection with the Project.

10. All change orders submitted by Fucci on the Project.

11. Per Section 01-1000 of the Project specifications:

(a) Environmental permits and requirements (Page 0131004, Par. 1.5, Item 4);

(b) Submitted Erosion and Sedimentation Plan (Page 0150004, Par. 1.4, Item C); and

(c) Submitted Written or Graphic Environmental Protection Plan (Page 0157192, Par. 1.3, Item A).

FOI #21-146 (04-22-21, 11:58 am) - Subject - All Information Related to Old Colony Construction for ITB #UCHC4-117414108

Name - Brian Miller

Affiliation - Superior Environmental Corp

ITB Number: UCHC4-117414108
ITB Title: 18-602-.02 Project Name: Fuel Oil Tank Permanent Closure & Piping Replacement/Parking Lot A3

Primarily we are interested in information regarding the 10% surety bid bond that Old Colony Construction included in its response to this invitation to bid. As such, we are requesting copies of all documents relating to Old Colony Construction and this invitation to bid and the resulting project.
We are also requesting copies of all emails between Uconn staff and Old Colony Construction regarding this invitation to bid and the resulting project. Old Colony Construction's email domain is

FOI #21-145 (04-22-21, 7:15 am) - Subject - Faculty Communications

Name - Student Student

Affiliation -

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request copies of the following records:
any and all correspondence between Head Teaching Assistant of the Department of Communication and Dr. Stephen Stifano, also of the Department of Communication.

FOI #21-144 (04-21-21, 3:47 pm) - Subject - Administrative Salary Request

Name - Jessica Lillegaard

Affiliation - University of Illinois Administration

The University of Illinois is conducting our annual review of our peer salaries. We use the data for our internal planning and budgeting and do not share it outside of our university.

Can you please provide the FY21 salaries and if the incumbent is interim or in their first year for the following positions:

Provost and Exec. VP for Academic Affairs
Exec. VP for Administration and CFO
Exec. VP for Health Affairs & CEO UConn Health
VP for Communications
VP for Research
VP for Student Affairs
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer
Dean, Liberal Arts, and Sciences
Dean, School of Business
Dean, School of Dental Medicine
Dean, Neag School of Education
Dean, School of Engineering
V. Provost for Grad Education, Dean of the Grad School
Dean, College of Ag., Health, and Natural Resources
Dean of Law
Dean, Medicine
Dean, School of Nursing
Dean, School of Pharmacy
Dean, School of Social Work
Dean of UConn Library

Thank you.

FOI #21-143 (04-21-21, 1:56 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Andy Wittry

Affiliation - Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter)

I'd like to make a public records request for a copy of any emails, as well as any related attachments, sent or received by President Thomas Katsouleas starting April 19 and ending April 21, 2021 that include any of "Emmert," "Kaplan Hecker," or "Senator," while ignoring any responsive documents from industry newsletters, such as D1.ticker. Since this request is of public interest, I'd like to request that any associated fees are waived.

FOI #21-142 (04-21-21, 11:15 am) - Subject - LM071320

Name - Dylan Symonette

Affiliation - Greenway Property Services Inc.

Please provide bid results from all companies that bid on the Main campus landscape maintenance #LM071320, as well as the awarded contract amount.
Also please provide the evaluation score sheets of the final three contractors that made presentations and submitted pricing. Thank you.

FOI #21-141 (04-20-21, 6:53 pm) - Subject - Athletics department documents

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

1. The current contracts – including documents reflecting any voluntary or mandatory compensation adjustments since March 15, 2020 -- and the current base salaries, if not specified in the contract, for the following athletics department employees:
--Baseball head coach Jim Penders
--Athletics director David Benedict
If there is no contact for any of these individuals, please forward the letter(s) of intent or other document(s) outlining each person’s conditions of employment -- including bonus structure -- and/or a current statement of salary.

2. An itemized list of incentive bonus amounts actually paid to the current football head coach from May 15, 2020 through April 15, 2021. The goal of this request is to obtain data about bonus payments made for sport-related goals achieved during the 2020-21 football season and/or for academic or other achievements during a full, 12-month period, even though that period may not conform with the school’s fiscal year or academic year or with the coach’s contract year.

3. The university’s contracts for non-conference football games scheduled to be played during the 2021 regular season, including any amendments.

If there will be a charge of more than $25, please notify me in advance.

Thank you for your assistance.

FOI #21-140 - Subject - Budget/tutoring

Name - Giovanni Alfera

Affiliation -

I would like to request any/all financial operating budgets that have to do with campus tutoring including, but not limited to the University of Connecticut - Quantitative Learning Center / Writing Center and any/all other tutoring programs on campus where a financial spend/budget may be tracked or accounted for. I am needing to understand the direct spend on tutor wages and all administrative costs associated with providing these student services.

FOI #21-139 - Subject - Expenditures

Name - Kristi Upton

Affiliation - Acme Research

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that following the close of your current fiscal year your office provide us with public spending information, including both capital and operating expenditures for payments made by or on behalf of The University of Connecticut System during fiscal year 2020 for the following University of Connecticut campuses: Storrs, Hartford, and Avery Point, as well as the University of Connecticut Health Center. Specifically, sortable by campus as noted in the “Division SL” column, for any payee, other than a regular employee or student, paid a cumulative total amount of more than $5,000, we seek the payee name, address, and the cumulative total dollar amount paid to the subject payee over the relevant time period.

FOI #21-138 - Subject - Audit Services Contract

Name - Jason Moore

Affiliation -

James Moore & Co. P.L. would like to submit a public records/FOIA request to obtain a copy of the university’s contract and engagement letter with their current CPA to perform auditing services for the public broadcasting stations. The contract for this could be included in the university’s audit services contract with their current CPA firm.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Paul Fitzgerald Michelson, Kane, Royster & Barger, PC (law firm) Main Campus Parking Replacements Project #300023 UConn Storrs Complete
Brian Miller Superior Environmental Corp All Information Related to Old Colony Construction for ITB #UCHC4-117414108 UConn Health Complete
Student Student Faculty Communications UConn Storrs Complete
Jessica Lillegaard University of Illinois Administration Administrative Salary Request UConn Storrs Complete
Andy Wittry Out of Bounds with Andy Wittry (Substack newsletter) Athletics UConn Storrs Complete
Dylan Symonette Greenway Property Services Inc. LM071320 UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Athletics department documents UConn Storrs Complete
Giovanni Alfera Budget/tutoring UConn Storrs Complete
Kristi Upton Acme Research Expenditures UConn Storrs Complete
Jason Moore Audit Services Contract UConn Storrs Request withdrawn