Request Log

FOI #24-477 (0-8-24, 10:10 am) - Subject - SmartProcure Public Records Request to University of Connecticut For PO/Vendor Information

Name - Misty Ruhlman

Affiliation - Smart Procure

SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut for any and all purchasing records from 7/3/2024 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.
Regional and Storrs Campus
The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is:

1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number
2. Purchase date
3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase)
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address

FOI #24-476 - Subject - Vendor Transactions

Name - Matt Stockwell

Affiliation -

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request access to public records under FOIA, Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (Chapter 14 of the Connecticut General Statutes), or any other relevant public records act.
Specifically, I am seeking the following documents related to transactions with the following vendors:
1. SHI International Corp
o Transaction Amount: $2,210,000.00
o Transaction Date: 2020-06-04
2. SHI International Corp
o Transaction Amount: $1,950,000.00
o Transaction Date: 2020-10-23
3. Array Systems LLC
o Transaction Amount: $66,987.00
o Transaction Date: 2020-03-25
4. Security Technologies Inc.
o Transaction Amount: $58,598.44
o Transaction Date: 2024-08-22
5. Cyber Skyline Inc
o Transaction Amount: $52,500.00
o Transaction Date: 2020-10-13
6. Cyber Skyline Inc
o Transaction Amount: $45,000.00
o Transaction Date: 2021-03-23
7. SHI International Corp
o Transaction Amount: $41,040.00
o Transaction Date: 2023-09-29
8. Tri-Com Consulting Group LLC
o Transaction Amount: $40,600.00
o Transaction Date: 2021-03-04
For each transaction, I am requesting:
• The current contract/RFP proposal currently held by the vendor (if available)
• The corresponding scorecards for the winning vendor and the losing scorecards from other vendors who participated in the same solicitation or RFP process.
This request is limited to readily available records that do not require physically copying, scanning, or printing of paper documents. Please notify me in advance via email if there are any associated costs for this request, and I will work to further narrow the request to expedite the process and eliminate any fees.
Thank you for your assistance with this matter. I look forward to your response.

FOI #24-475 (10-8-24, 1:02 am) - Subject - Student Housing FOI Requests

Name -

Affiliation - Student

Requesting responsive records to FOI requests #23-522, #24-416, #24-415, and #24-428 in digital format.

FOI #24-474 - Subject - FOI Request

Name - Lisa Backus

Affiliation -

I am requesting all UConn and state documents regarding former UConn Assistant Professor Steven Harper who resigned on Oct. 3.

FOI #24-473 - Subject - Email Correspondence

Name - Aaron S

Affiliation -

Please process the new public records request

All emails from to any University email address ( or similar domain
All emails from to any University email address ( or similar domain
All emails from to any University email address or similar domain (
From January 1st 2010 through 10/1/2024

FOI #24-472 - Subject - RFP No. KA012924- Student Health Insurance at the University of Connecticut

Name - Jared Cohane

Affiliation -

By this letter, I hereby request copies of the following public records in the possession, custody and/or control of the University of Connecticut (“UConn”) relating to the Student Health Insurance project bearing the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) number KA012924 (“the Project”).
1. All records1 pertaining to the bid, proposal, work administration and prospective bidders relative to RFP No. KA012924;
2. All records pertaining to the evaluation of the bid(s) and bidders on the Project, including any records related to the score card utilized by UConn;
All records pertaining to UConn’s policies and internal procedures for RFP evaluations in general;
4. Bid tabulations of each of the bidders on the Project;
5. The bid submitted by Wellfleet Benefits LLC (“Wellfleet”) for the Project;
6. The bidder’s “Vendor Qualifications” information – pursuant to Group 2.4 of the Questions section of the RFP – submitted by Wellfleet for the Project;
7. All correspondence2 and records relating to the evaluation of the bid submitted by Wellfleet for the Project;
8. All correspondence and records relating to the evaluation of the bid submitted by Insurance for Students, Inc. (“IFS”) for the Project;
9. All correspondence between UConn and Wellfleet on or after the date Wellfleet submitted its RFP;
10. All records related to the composition of the group of persons who evaluated the RFPs in connection with the Project (“the Evaluation Committee), including any potential conflicts of interest among the Evaluation Committee in connection with the Project;
11. All records pertaining to any post-bid submissions and/or clarifications submitted by any bidder on the Project;
12. All correspondence between UConn and any bidder following the initial submission of bids on the Project; and
13. All records and correspondence among the Evaluation Committee pertaining to the verification of Wellfleet’s claims and capabilities in Wellfleet’s RFP, including but not limited to UConn’s correspondence with Wellfleet’s references pursuant to Group 3.1 of the Questions section of the RFP; and
14. All records and correspondence among the Evaluation Committee pertaining to the verification of IFS’s claims and capabilities in IFS’s RFP, including but not limited to UConn’s correspondence with IFS’s references pursuant to Group 3.1 of the Questions section of the RFP.

FOI #24-471 - Subject - 2024-25 UConn Baseball HC Contract & Salary

Name - John Gabriel

Affiliation -

I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records— the most updated employment agreements and all subsequent amendments for the men's baseball employee:

Penders, Jim

If a contract does not exist, I am requesting to obtain a MOU/LOA/Term Sheet/Offer Letter/etc and 2024-25 salary information.

FOI #24-470 (10-3-24, 12:00 pm) - Subject - Office of Institutional Equity

Name - Katherine Revello

Affiliation -

email messages sent or received by Jamila Goolgar that Anthony Soto that reference the following keywords: "investigation," "OIE case," or "OIE investigation."

I request that any attachments to emails containing those keywords also be provided as part of the request.

If any part of this request is denied,

FOI #24-469 - Subject - 2400056929

Name - Melissa Davidson

Affiliation -

Representative from Travelers Insurance would like to obtain DVD of surveillance video and photos from the case involving an Auto Accident.

FOI #24-468 - Subject - 24-00056929

Name - Dominique Kall

Affiliation -

Requesting the following mentioned in the police report:
1. Footage of UConn surveillance camera;
2. Recording saved on DVD;
3. Photos of scene of vehicle damage + P1 injuries; and
4. Supplemental Police report

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Misty Ruhlman Smart Procure SmartProcure Public Records Request to University of Connecticut For PO/Vendor Information UConn Regional Campus Complete
Matt Stockwell Vendor Transactions UConn Storrs In progress
Student Student Housing FOI Requests UConn Storrs Complete
Lisa Backus FOI Request UConn Storrs Complete
Aaron S Email Correspondence UConn Storrs No records available
Jared Cohane RFP No. KA012924- Student Health Insurance at the University of Connecticut UConn Storrs In progress
John Gabriel 2024-25 UConn Baseball HC Contract & Salary UConn Storrs Complete
Katherine Revello Office of Institutional Equity UConn Storrs In progress
Melissa Davidson 2400056929 UConn Storrs Complete
Dominique Kall 24-00056929 UConn Storrs Complete