Request Log

FOI #24-564 (12-10-24, 5:58 pm) - Subject - Athletics

Name - Paul Doyle

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media Group

Under the Freedom of Information Act, we are requesting all records of expenses associated with the men’s basketball program's trip to Hawaii for the Maui Invitational Nov. 22-27 and the women's basketball program's trip to the Nassau, Bahamas for the Baha Mar Women's Championship Nov. 24-30.

This request includes all purchases and expenses pertaining to travel arrangements made in advance of the trips. We are requesting a line-by-line breakout of expenses incurred each day for each tripe. We are also requesting any itineraries for each day of each trip.

FOI #24-563 (12-10-24, 4:55 pm) - Subject - specific emails between myself and ITS

Name - Michael Mundrane

Affiliation - CSCU system office

I would like every email sent by me to ITS all staff during this period. I would like the responses to the email that I sent to ITS on October 8, 2024 when I announced that I would be leaving UConn. I would like the responses to the email that I sent to ITS on November 15, 2024 when I announced that my last day would be November 28. I would like the responses to the email that I sent to ITS on November 27, 2024 when I allowed staff to leave work early for the holiday. There was an e-gift card that was circulated. This card closed and was delivered to my account. I would like this as well. I would like these materials in electronic form.

FOI #24-562 (12-10-24, 1:12 pm) - Subject - AAALAC Records

Name - Lindsey Soffes

Affiliation - Rise for Animals

This submission serves as a request for public records pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, C.T. Gen. Stat. § 1-200 et seq.

We are writing to request copies of any and all records regarding and/or concerning University of Connecticut – including but not limited to University of Connecticut Health Center (UConn Health) – accreditation by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (“AAALAC”). The requested records shall include, but not be limited to, communications, correspondence, memoranda, messages, and/or other exchanges between the University of Connecticut and AAALAC (including any of its employees, agents, and/or representatives), as well as any records that were not exchanged between the University of Connecticut and AAALAC but mention or relate to AAALAC accreditation. This request specifically includes, but is not limited to:

--Program Descriptions and similar records requested by AAALAC from the University of Connecticut and/or submitted by the University of Connecticut to AAALAC;
--Annual reports submitted by the University of Connecticut to AAALAC;
--Records related to planned and/or actual site visits by AAALAC, including preparations for the site visit and AAALAC findings, recommendations, and accreditation status;
--Adverse events not already included in an annual report to AAALAC, including any records regarding how adverse USDA inspection findings relate to, or affect, accreditation; and
--Records pertaining to fees or any other monies paid by the University of Connecticut to AAALAC and/or requested by AAALAC from the University of Connecticut.

The date range for this request is January 1, 2020, to the present.

If the University of Connecticut does not maintain these public records, please let us know which organization or agency does maintain these records. If you deny all or any part of this request, please state in writing the basis for the denial, including the exact statutory citation authorizing the denial and the appellate procedure available by law.

Connecticut law requires that this request be responded to within four (4) business days. See C.T. Gen. Stat. § 1-205(a). If a delay in response to or fulfillment of this request is anticipated, please contact us regarding when we may expect access to the requested records.

We kindly ask that, if possible, our request be fulfilled electronically by email attachment to

FOI #24-561 - Subject - UCPD Records CFS# 2400031371

Name - Paul Manocchio

Affiliation -

I am requesting all communications between the investigating officer in the course of his investigation of my self, including phone recordings of the conversation between the personell
At troop d, troop k and what ever department was contacted regarding the in documented incident of a violated protective order mentioned on the above mentioned report that was provided to me by your department
As well as any emails or text messages related to this case or any other case mentioned on the report

FOI #24-560(12-6-24, 12:43 pm) - Subject - Lambda Theta Phi

Name - Andrew Ramjit

Affiliation -

I would like to request all records pertaining to Lambda Theta Phi at UConn, including investigation and allegations pertaining to hazing.

FOI #24-559 - Subject - Gartner Contract

Name - Jeremy Heim

Affiliation -

Please provide the contract documents with the awarded amount and ultimate end date, related to the vendor Gartner.
Please provide the total spend amount to date paid to the vendor Gartner.

FOI #24-558 - Subject - National Shoring, LLC

Name - Alexander Lovejoy

Affiliation -

I have been advised of another unrelated contractor who performed work on a UConn Project that we are seeking to make a Freedom of Information request regarding as well. In this regard, a company by the name of National Shoring, LLC performed work as a subcontractor of Richard’s Corporation on a recent UConn project. They have not identified the specific project. They have failed to report prevailing wage benefits to at least two trades, and as such, we are seeking certified payroll records from the start of National Shoring’s work on the project through the present as well as any bond information in either Richard’s Corporations or National Shoring’s contracts.

FOI #24-557 (12-5-24, 10:28 am) - Subject - Athletics Contracts

Name - James Reilly

Affiliation -

I hope this message finds you well. I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: most updated long-form employment contracts, appointment letters, and 24-25 salary information for women's basketball coaching staff members:

Chris Dailey - Associate Head Coach
Jamelle Elliott - Assistant Coach
Morgan Valley - Assistant Coach
Tonya Cardoza - Assistant Coach
Sarah Darras - Asst. AD for WBB
Ben Kantor - Assistant Coach
Carley Mooney - Dir. of Recruiting
Peggy Myers - Program Asst.
Andrea Hudy - S&C

In the event that a long form employment contract or appointment letter does not exist for any member of the women’s basketball staff, I am requesting the following public records:

- any applicable university payroll record or other record which contains the 2024-25 salary information for any member of the women’s basketball staff.

If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me of the cost. However, I would also like to request a waiver of all fees in that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest. If you deny any or all of this request, please cite each specific exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal procedures available to me under the law.

Thank you for considering my request.

FOI #24-556 (12-3-24, 9:07 am) - Subject - Copy of contract between University and Kainen, Escalera, and McHale Law Firm

Name - David Amdur

Affiliation - UConn AAUP

The UConn-AAUP is requesting a copy of the contract between the University and Kainen, Escalera, and McHale law firm of Hartford, CT to negotiate the 2025 successor agreement between University Health Professionals AFT Local 3837 and the University and University of Connecticut Health Center.

FOI #24-555 (12-3-24, 9:07 am) - Subject - Copy of contract between University and Shipman and Goodwin law firm

Name - David Amdur

Affiliation - UConn AAUP

The UConn-AAUP requests a copy of the contract between the University and Shipman and Goodwin Law Firm of Hartford, Connecticut to negotiate the 2025 successor agreement between the UCHC-AAUP and the University and the University of Connecticut Health Center.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Paul Doyle Hearst Connecticut Media Group Athletics UConn Storrs In progress
Michael Mundrane CSCU system office specific emails between myself and ITS UConn Storrs Complete
Lindsey Soffes Rise for Animals AAALAC Records UConn Health In progress
Paul Manocchio UCPD Records CFS# 2400031371 UConn Storrs Complete
Andrew Ramjit Lambda Theta Phi UConn Storrs Complete
Jeremy Heim Gartner Contract UConn Storrs In progress
Alexander Lovejoy National Shoring, LLC UConn Storrs No records available
James Reilly Athletics Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
David Amdur UConn AAUP Copy of contract between University and Kainen, Escalera, and McHale Law Firm UConn Health No records available
David Amdur UConn AAUP Copy of contract between University and Shipman and Goodwin law firm UConn Health Complete